Maine Question 2, Science and Technology Research and Commercialization Bond Issue (2024)

Please consider this bond issue, which will be on our November ballot. If approved, this would provide $25 million to Maine Technology Institute, which will determine a competitive process for applying for these funds in the following sectors: Biotechnology, Composites and Advanced Materials, Environmental Technologies, Forest Products and Agriculture, Information Technology, Marine Technology and Aquaculture, and Precision Manufacturing. 

 Maine Question 2, the Science and Technology Research and Commercialization Bond Issue, is on the ballot in Maine as a legislatively referred bond question on November 5, 2024.[1]

"yes" vote supports authorizing $25 million in general obligation bonds to the Maine Technology Institute for research, development, and commercialization of Maine-based public and private institutions in support of technological innovation.

"no" vote opposes authorizing $25 million in general obligation bonds to the Maine Technology Institute for research, development, and commercialization of Maine-based public and private institutions in support of technological innovation.

What is this bond measure designed to provide money for?

This bond issue would authorize $25 million in general obligation bonds to the Maine Technology Institute for research, development, and commercialization of Maine-based public and private institutions in support of technological innovation. Under the measure, the funds must be allocated in the targeted sectors of life sciences and biomedical technology, environmental and renewable energy technology, information technology, advanced technologies for forestry and agriculture, aquaculture and marine technology, composites and advanced materials and precision manufacturing.[2]


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