Your MaineHealth News for July 29


Action Items

Mandatory Compliance, Privacy, IT Security and Workplace Violence Training

All MaineHealth care team members, clinicians, contracted personnel, and volunteers must complete the Compliance Awareness, Code of Ethical Conduct, Privacy, IT Security Training, MaineHealth Confidentiality Agreement, and Workplace Violence Prevention Training eLearning modules each year in compliance with CMS, The Joint Commission, OSHA, federal and state regulations.

An email was sent on July 8 confirming your enrollment in the training modules. You must complete all six (6) modules by August 31, 2024. It takes approximately 60 minutes to complete all six (6) modules in their entirety. All modules do not have to be completed at once.

Click here for information on how to access the training modules and other FAQs about this required training.

Need to Know

What You Need to Know About “Breaking the Glass”

To protect sensitive patient data, MaineHealth uses a "break the glass" (BTG) feature that requires care team members to explain their reason for accessing data. Don't worry—care team members are permitted to “break the glass” if it is related to and necessary for their work.

Our privacy team reviews each instance of BTG to ensure that access is for valid reasons. We consider factors such as:

  • Matching departments
  • Notations in the patient's record
  • Whether you are a member of the treatment/care team
  • The explanations you wrote in the “further explanation” field

When accessing sensitive patient data, it's important to provide a clear and accurate explanation of your work purpose. Only select "direct patient care" if you are actively involved in caring for the patient; otherwise, you may receive an inquiry from the privacy team to clarify your access.

Questions? Please contact the Privacy Office at (207) PRIVACY.

Announcements & Reminders

Andy’s Open Door is Wednesday, August 7 at 9 a.m.

Join Andy and guests Jennifer Moore, President of MaineHealth Accountable Care Organization and VP for Payer Relations and Payment Innovation, and Tim Fitzgerald, MD, Director of MaineHealth Maine Medical Center - Portland's Surgical Oncology Program, to hear about the innovative work underway to improve patient outcomes.

Learn about value-based care, the ACO’s role in supporting our mission and vision, and a fascinating case study in care variation reduction led by Dr. Fitzgerald. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and be part of the conversation through the live chat. Click here

Creating a Standard Workstation Experience

Beginning August 6, there will be several changes to MaineHealth workstations. When opening a new tab in Microsoft Edge (MaineHealth’s default internet browser) news feeds will no longer appear. Instead, a summary of work-related content will be shown. This change is being implemented across the health system to help care team members focus on work without unnecessary distractions and to ensure appropriate content. In addition, the option to customize a workstation background image will be disabled. All MaineHealth-owned computers will use the default MaineHealth background for a professional, standardized look across the health system.

The Story Behind the New MaineHealth Logo

The new logo on our website, badges, signs and social media is not just a cosmetic change. It's a reflection of our mission, vision and values as one MaineHealth.

 The new logo was created by our own MaineHealth Brand Operations design team, who spent months researching, brainstorming and testing different concepts and design elements. They wanted to create a logo that would capture the essence of MaineHealth and how we work together to improve the health and well-being of our communities.

 If you’d like to learn more about the process and the meaning behind the new logo, watch this brief video from our MaineHealth Brand Operations team to see how they brought the logo to life.

The Forms and Patient Education Portal is Growing!

Exciting news! The Forms & Patient Education Portal is growing, and we want to hear from you—whether you’re a regular user, brand new to the portal, or haven’t even visited it yet. Share your thoughts on what is working well, what we can improve further, and how we can make the portal work for you. Don’t miss your chance to shape the future of the Forms and Patient Education Portal by completing this survey by August 12.

Protect Yourself from Attachment Phishing in 2024

Attachment phishing emails often appear to come from someone you trust, like a coworker, bank or popular brand. These emails include attachments that seem legitimate, such as invoices or reports. However, opening these attachments can install harmful software on your device, leading to data theft or ransomware attacks. Learn how attachment phishing emails are evolving and how to keep yourself safe. Read more.

Sustainability and Health Care: Win-Win Opportunities

MaineHealth recently highlighted two initiatives in the July 1 issue of MaineHealth News: "Join the Virgin Pulse State Park Challenge" and "Minimize Printing to Keep Patient Information Secure.” Both efforts, while distinct in their immediate goals, share a common thread: promoting sustainability to better human and environmental health.

Clean Environments and Human Health

Scientific studies show that just 20 minutes a day in nature can significantly improve concentration, cognitive function, and memory. Additionally, walking in nature has been proven to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, offering tangible health benefits. Read more

Care Team Well-being

Back-to-School Preparations

As we approach the end of summer and get ready to head back to school, it can be hard to get back into the rhythm of a regular schedule. Establishing a consistent routine allows for structure and effective preparations. For some, transitioning back to school can bring stress and schedule disruptions. Click here for tips on emotionally show up for your kiddos.  Explore upcoming sessions to help navigate the back-to-school transition:

 Remember you and your household members can connect with Resources for Living for in-the-moment support 24/7, establish a local therapist or a Talkspace therapist to discuss back-to-school stresses, and create a plan for a centered and intentional year ahead.

PTO Donation Program Touches Fellow Care Team Members

To provide essential aid to care team members on leave, the MaineHealth PTO Donation program allows our care team members to donate and receive PTO through a general pool. Please consider donating an hour or more by completing our donation form.

The HR Support Center often hears heartfelt messages from care team members on how much the PTO Donation program has meant to them. One program recipient, who was going through a challenging time, said “I am so grateful.” In the first six months of 2024, 1,273 hours were donated for care team members in need. In the second half of 2024, we’re looking to increase donations to reach more care team members across the system. For more information, please review the FAQ document.


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