MaineHealth at NISBRE 2024

MaineHealth and other institutions in Maine are well represented at the National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) in Washington DC.

Congratulations for the following people recognized for expertise and scientific innovation in moderating panels, presenting their research, and serving on panel discussions:

Doug Sawyer, Co-Chair - Rural Health/Health Disparities

Matt Lynes, speaker - Metabolism and Obesity

Caroline Picoli, speaker - Metabolism and Obesity

Lucy Liaw, moderator - Tips When Applying to Graduate School, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Research Positions

Tiange Feng, panelist - Tips When Applying to Graduate School, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Research Positions

Michayla Moore, speaker - Cardiovascular Biology

Cliff Rosen, moderator - Using Community-Engagement Approaches to Transform Biomedical Research

Becky Mountain, panelist - Fellowship and Early Career Mechanisms


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