THE GOODS newsletter of Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences - March 25, 2024


The Goods
The Weekly One-Stop Shop for All Your
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences News

March 25, 2024 | Volume 7, Issue 7


Dear GSBS Community,

Welcome to Spring! We hope you all enjoyed a lucky St. Patrick’s Day and have been getting ready for longer days and warmer weather. GSC has been planning events for the springtime to make the most of the sun and intends to have another school event in the later spring months to celebrate the end of the spring term and get ready for summer, which will approach sooner than you all may think.

In February, we began a movie & pizza discussion series with Dr. Henry Wortis. In addition to yummy pizza, the movie was thought-provoking and led to a fascinating conversation about the intersection of personal ethics and scientific research in Charles Darwin’s life with applications to each of our own. Tomorrow, March 26th from 4-5 PM in Jaharis 508 we will continue with the second movie, Naturally Obsessed, a documentary about biomedical graduate students at Columbia UniversityThis timing is earlier than the previous emails, but we hope to increase the attendance and expand the conversation from last month.

Please let GSC or your student representatives know if you have any feedback, suggestions or questions about our Boston campus!

Tufts GSC Executive Board

 Sammy, Kimberly & Molly


Hirsh Library Happenings

Come join us for our final study break tea of the semester on Tuesday the 26th! We'll have tea and treats for you at the Library Service Desk from 2:30-4pm. 

Upcoming Library Workshops  

Tufts CTSI Happenings

Tufts CTSI Virtual TriNetX Training on Friday, March 29

Tufts Medicine/Tufts Medical Center investigators and Tufts University faculty/staff who work with Tufts Medical Center Principal Investigators are invited to Tufts CTSI’s Virtual TriNetX Training on Friday, March 29 from 11:00AM-12:15PM. This virtual training will aid in determining the feasibility of a research study or explore patient populations by allowing users to query TMC's local EHR data and receive the aggregate counts. To attend the meeting, submit a service request for "TriNetX account". A meeting invite will be sent to you.


Apply for Tufts CTSI's Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship

Considering taking time to get research training in your chosen specialty? Apply for Tufts CTSI's T32 Fellowship Program. This prestigious, NIH-funded program:


  • Leads to a Certificate (one to two years), MS (two years), or PhD in Clinical and Translational Science with training in study design, biostatistics, and epidemiology.
  • Offers a superb research training environment with mentorship by clinical experts in your specialty and nationally known experts in clinical research.
  • Provides ample opportunity for publication. 
  • Includes a stipend and full tuition for the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences CTS Program.
  • Starts July 1, 2024.


If you have an interest in quantitative methods, clinical epidemiology, predictive modeling, comparative effectiveness research, biomedical data sciences, health policy, or health disparities, contact Senior Program Manager Elizabeth Leary, PhD, for more information.

Doctoral-level scholars and clinicians (postdocs) and those who are in medical school or PhD programs (predocs) are encouraged to apply. Applications are due by Wednesday, May 1, and early submissions are strongly encouraged.

Apply for the Fellowship here.

To keep up to date on Tufts CTSI news, events, and their entire range of resources and services, subscribe now to their bi-weekly Happenings newsletter!


March 25

GMCB Thesis Defense - Salwa Mostafa

Monday, March 25 at 10 am

Seminar Title: Regulation of gene expression during adipogenesis via mRNA processing

Thesis Advisor: Claire Moore, PhD

Posner Auditorium

Zoom Option Available

March 26

PDD Seminar - Rouzbeh Taghizadeh, PhD

Tuesday, March 26 at 2 pm

Seminar Title: Regenerative Medicine, Cellular & Tissue Therapeutics, Stem Cell Therapy: Current Trends, Progress, Promises, Hurdles and Future

Jaharis 713

Zoom Option Available

March 27

GMCB, Immunology, Micro Seminar - Josué Flores Kim, PhD,

Wednesday, March 27 at 12 pm

Seminar Title: Molecular mechanisms controlling bacterial cell envelope remodeling networks and antibiotic tolerance

M&V 412

Zoom Option Available

Neuroscience Seminar - Juliet Knowles, MD, PhD

Wednesday, March 27 t 12 pm

Seminar Title: Maladaptive Myelination in Generalized Epilepsy

MedEd 316

Zoom Option Available

March 28

Levy CIMAR Seminar - Christina Cuomo, PhD

Thursday, March 28 at 12 pm

Seminar Title: Genomic Epidemiology and Evolution of Drug Resistance in Candida auris

Behrakis Auditorium

Zoom Option Available

April 4

GMCB Thesis Defense - Colin Trepicchio

Tuesday, April 4 at 9 am

Seminar Title:

An Exploration of Breast Stem Cells

Thesis Advisor: Charlotte Kuperwasser, PhD

Beharkis Auditorium

Zoom Option Available

April 17

GMCB, Immunology, Micro Seminar - Renfeng Li, PhD

Wednesday, April 17 at 12 pm

Seminar Title: Decoding EBV Reactivation: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potentials against EBV-Associated Cancers


Zoom Option Available


Wang YMCA Discounted Rates - AY 2023-2024

Tufts University has partnered with the Wang YMCA to offer Dental, Medical, Nutrition, Public Health, Physician Assistant and Biomedical Sciences students discounted membership rates. Please see the attached flyer for details regarding 2023-2024 rates.


New Membership Process

  • Student Verification Forms are required for Boston Health Sciences students that are not currently a member at the Wang Y.
  • Student Verification Forms can be obtained by emailing

New members must set up an online account at Once your account is created, please call 617-426-2237 or go into the YMCA to speak with someone so your discount can be applied. 

Your Wang YMCA Metro membership entitles you to use any of the 13 branches listed on the rate flyer. More information can be found at

Morning Express Vinyasa Yoga Flow with Lucy Liaw - Online

Tuesday and Thursday mornings | 8 - 8:30am

Register here.

Join Lucy Liaw for a free Zoom yoga class most Tuesdays and Thursdays. This express vinyasa flow is a half-hour class offered via Scarborough Yoga.


Wellness Advising Office
Mon | 9:30am - 5:00pm
Tue | 11:00am - 7:00pm
Wed/Thurs/Fri | 9:30am - 5:00pm
Email to set up a meeting.

Check out the most recent Week in Wellness Newsletter! The March 22 issue celebrates National Nutrition Month with tips for eating to maintain gut health.

Contact Abby Lemons,, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences' representative for the Student Wellness Advisory Committee, with questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding student health and wellness. 

Talk One2One
Our confidential resource and referrals are available at no cost to you. Get help with relationships, anxiety, stress, and more. Access by calling 1-800-756-3124, or emailing

Want your event or announcement in The Goods? Email by 10am on Friday.


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