
Showing posts from March, 2024

How Many Researchers: The FY 2023 Cumulative Investigator Rate

 Thanks to Carolyn Elliott-Farino for this contribution! How Many Researchers: The FY 2023 Cumulative Investigator Rate by Mike Lauer We are pleased to share our annual snapshot of how many researchers NIH supports. These fiscal year (FY) 2023 data are also available in the  NIH Data Book  (see  report #303 ) and represent awards made with traditional and  supplemental coronavirus  appropriations. Please keep in mind that these data are distinct from  success rates , however, which are application-based metrics (see  this recent post ). Our  cumulative investigator rate  is an NIH-wide person-based metric. The metric is calculated as the number of unique principal investigators who were designated on an NIH  research project grant (RPG)  award, divided by the number of unique principal investigators who were designated on applications over a five-year period. For simplicity, we will refer to those investigators as either “awardees” or “applicants” in this post, even though NIH receives

This week's community breath and movement zoom sessions

Tuesday April 2, 2024 8:00am-8:30am 4625543963 Thursday April 4, 2024 8:00am-8:30am 4625543963

Volunteer as a Peer Reviewer for NIGMS!

Thanks to Carolyn Elliott-Farino for this contribution! Volunteer as a Peer Reviewer for NIGMS! BY  JASON CHAN  AND  MARC RIGAS NIGMS supports a wide range of research, training, workforce development, and institutional capacity building grants in the biomedical sciences. While NIH’s  Center for Scientific Review  reviews the majority of our investigator-initiated research grants (read our post on  NIGMS RPGs ), NIGMS has its own scientific review branch (SRB) that manages the review of applications to programs in workforce development and in research capacity building (past posts on  training  and  capacity building  provide more information). These programs often require reviewers with unique experiences, in addition to scientific or technical expertise. Thus, SRB is always searching for volunteers with varying experiences and scientific expertise from all career stages, funding and review experiences, geographic locations, and institution types to provide expert reviews. Some exampl

THE GOODS newsletter of Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences - March 25, 2024

  The Goods The Weekly One-Stop Shop for All Your  Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences News   March 25, 2024 | Volume 7, Issue 7   MESSAGE FROM THE GSC Dear GSBS Community,   Welcome to Spring! We hope you all enjoyed a lucky St. Patrick’s Day and have been getting ready for longer days and warmer weather. GSC has been planning events for the springtime to make the most of the sun and intends to have another school event in the later spring months to celebrate the end of the spring term and get ready for summer, which will approach sooner than you all may think.   In February, we began a movie & pizza discussion series with Dr. Henry Wortis. In addition to yummy pizza, the movie was thought-provoking and led to a fascinating conversation about the intersection of personal ethics and scientific research in Charles Darwin’s life with applications to each of our own. Tomorrow,  March 26th from 4-5 PM in Jaharis 508  we will continue with the second movie,  Naturally Obsessed , a d