Institutional Development Awards in Maine

 This information of all of our IDeA programs in Maine was collated by our Maine INBRE (Jim Coffman and Kris Reaman), and presented at the annual 2024 EPSCoR/IDeA Coalition and EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation Annual Meeting in February 2024. 

IDeA in Maine . . .

Maine is home to six COBRE programs, one CTR and an INBRE funded by the IDeA program.

MaineHealth Institute for Research

COBRE focus: Mesenchymal and Neural Regulation of Metabolic Networks. Funding: $24.7 million from 2017 to 2028. Contact: Lucy Liaw, Ph.D. •

This COBRE supports four junior investigator projects and three scientific core facilities geared towards developing re- search excellence in characterizing signaling pathways integrating bone, adipose tissue and the brain in metabolic disease.

COBRE focus: Acute Care Research and Rural Disparities. Funding: $13.6 million from 2021 to 2026. Contact: Douglas Sawyer M.D. •

This COBRE is creating a statewide research and care network in Maine that addresses barriers associated with limited resources, expertise, and access in rural areas and involves four diverse clinical studies relating to this goal.


CTR focus: Developing and Sustaining Research Infrastructure to Support Improvement in Rural and Community Health in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Funding: $47.6 million from 2017 to 2027. Contact: Clifford Rosen, M.D. • Thomas Gridley, Ph.D. •

This network consists of MaineHealth Institute for Research, University of Vermont, and University of Southern Maine and supports innovative learning, increased effectiveness of clinical research, enhanced rural healthcare delivery systems, and ultimately will improve health outcomes in our region.


University of New England

COBRE focus: Pain and Sensory Function. Funding: $20.7 million from 2012 to 2024. Contact: Ian Meng, Ph.D. •

This COBRE supports research by neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and chemists exploring the neurobiology of pain and an in vitro drug discovery core that engages academic and industry partners to design and employ new tests for drug screen- ing and development with the ultimate goal of discovering novel treatments and therapies for pain.


COBRE focus: Signaling Research. Funding: $10.8 million from 2024 to 2028. Contact: Derek Molliver, Ph.D. •

This Center supports research to meet contemporary clinical challenges related to dysfunction in cell signaling, or commu- nicating, which is a fundamental driver of human disease. This research aims to find new treatments for neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases.


University of Maine

COBRE focus: Regulation of Cellular Behavior in Response to Extracellular Cues. Contact: Clarissa Henry, Ph.D. • Funding: $11.8 million from 2023 to 2028

This Center focuses on research that has the potential to inform future treatment of infectious diseases, neuromuscular dis- orders, and muscle aging and regeneration through the study of mechanisms that regulate cellular behavior, from the impact

of persistent viral infections on cell systems to muscle cell development.


MDI Biological Laboratory

COBRE focus: Comparative Biology of Tissue Repair, Regeneration, and Aging. Funding: $24.8 million from 2013 to 2024. Contact: Iain Drummond, Ph.D. •

This COBRE supports comparative animal model and functional genomics cores and investigator projects that seek to develop therapies to improve healing and regeneration in humans and slow the degenerative changes that occur with aging.


MDI Biological Laboratory, Lead Institution

INBRE focus: Comparative Functional Genomics. Funding: $87 million from 2001 to 2024. Contact: James Coffman, Ph.D. • Research and Academic Institutions: Jackson Laboratory, University of Maine, University of New England, Bates, Bowdoin, and Colby Colleges, College of the Atlantic, Southern Maine Community College, UMaine Honors College, and UMaine at Farmington, Fort Kent, Machias and Presque Isle

The Maine INBRE provides research support and core facilities to young investigators and creates research and training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. It enhances biotechnical infrastructure and serves as a pipeline for students to pursue health research careers while enhancing the scientific and technical knowledge of Maine’s workforce.


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