Government Affairs Regulatory Changes & Guidance Updates


Regulatory Changes & Guidance Updates -

November 28, 2023

MaineHealth Government Affairs’ Regulatory Changes & Guidance Updates is an internal newsletter that will be distributed weekly including highlights, policy changes, and other pertinent announcements from the state and federal governments. Please note that any formal submissions to the state or federal government on behalf of MaineHealth are coordinated by the Government Affairs Team. If you would like to submit comments or respond to any of the announcements shared through these weekly updates, please email for guidance.

State & Federal Rulemaking


  • None this week.


  • OADS released a notice of agency rule-making proposal to combine Chapter 10-149 (formerly the Office of Elder Services) and Chapter 14-197 (formerly the Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disability Services) into a unified Adult Protective Services System with a single comprehensive OADS Policy Manual under 10-149. A public hearing will be held on December 20 at 9am. Comments are due by December 30.
  • OMS released a notice of agency rule-making adoption for MaineCare Benefits Manual Chapter III, Section 67: Principles of Reimbursement for Nursing Facilities. The effective date is November 26, 2023.
  • The Finance Authority of Maine adopted rule changes to Ch. 619, Foreign Credentialing and Skills Recognition Grant Program, pursuant to L.D. 1169, An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Foreign Credentialing and Skills Recognition Revolving Loan Program and now set forth as P.L. 2023, chapter 456. The effective date is November 20, 2023.

To comment on proposed rules, please contact

State Programs & Announcements

  • OMS issued a reminder regarding MaineCare eligibility reinstatement for MaineCare Members.

Federal Programs & Announcements

Know someone who would like to be added to this distribution list? Email Sara Kahn-Troster at Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!


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