Your MaineHealth News for September 18


SEPTEMBER 18, 2023

MaineHealth News is distributed bi-weekly to all care team members, and includes news highlights, information, and resources from across our system. Look for the MaineHealth News brief in your inbox every other Monday! Send questions or comments to mhnews@mainehealth.orgView Submission Guidelines | View Submission Form  | View 2023 Calendar


Visit the MaineHealth Intranet for all system-wide stories and events


In This Issue News & Updates News You Can Use                                   Affairs Updates Healthy Communities, Equity & Inclusion Spark: Innovation at MaineHealth

MaineHealth News & Updates


Andy’s Open Door: On the Road this Wednesday, Sept. 20 CEO Andy Mueller, MD on September 20 at 9:00 a.m. for Andy’s Open Door hosted live at LincolnHealth and also on Teams. LincolnHealth President Cindy Wade will be Andy’s guest.

Send your questions in advance to  or during the live chat!


Visit Andy’s intranet site for the meeting link and past recordings.


Working Together Episode 29: Unpacking Medical Education you hear the words “medical education,” what immediately comes to mind? For many at MaineHealth, one may think about the Maine Track Program or the numerous residencies that have trained thousands of physicians at Maine Medical Center over the years. But medical education is so much more than that.  


In episode 29 of Working Together, COO Kelly Elkins is joined by Linda Chaudron, Vice President of Medical Education for MMC Academic Affairs, to unpack the role and scope of medical education at MaineHealth, including how we are engaging learners in all aspects of our health system, and where we are headed. Listen here


Access Policies and Procedures through MCN Policy Manager’s policy management software, MCN Policy Manager, is our centralized “source of truth” for all policies and procedures. This software helps to eliminate version control issues, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and support automation of tasks like policy approvals and renewal notifications.


MCN Policy Manager is available via the Apps Portal, your local intranet, and the icon on your desktop. There are three ways to search for policies: Advanced Search, Browse Manuals, or the search bar. For more information, refer to this video tutorial on how to search for policies.  


If you still have questions, please submit a ticket to Service Hub or call the MaineHealth IT Help Desk at (207) 662-6400


HR News You Can Use


Care Team Member Support: Your Teen’s Mental Health back-to-school season can bring up a range of emotions for both parents and children, especially in a time with heightened concerns around school safety and readiness. Check out resources like this teen mental health guide and the Youth Peer Support Statewide Network and Peer Support Program. Log-in to (username and password are both “mainehealth”) for more back-to-school mental health resources.


Click here for additional well-being resources and explore upcoming educational sessions.

Visit the HR Intranet


Update on Tuition Assistance launch date for the new Tuition Assistance platform, which was mentioned in the September 5 issue of MaineHealth News, has been delayed. We will inform you when the new platform will be available. We apologize for any inconvenience. You may submit requests through the current platform, Tuition Manager.


If you have any questions, please contact the HR Solution Center at (207) 661-4000 or via the ASK HR icon found on all MaineHealth desktops.    


Reminder: Flu Vaccine Deferral or Exemption Forms Due Today a condition of employment, all MaineHealth care team members, including volunteers and students, must be vaccinated for flu. Please visit the Flu Vaccination intranet site for up-to-date information on vaccine clinic schedules, forms, and more.


If you wish to receive a deferral/exemption to the flu vaccine, please submit your form today. Please contact Employee Health Services at (207) 662-4011 if you have questions.


Government Affairs


Family Medicine Residents Visit Maine State House Medical Center’s second-year Family Medicine Residents recently spent the day in the Maine State House with the MaineHealth Government Affairs Team learning about the legislative process and how MaineCare engages in policymaking. The residents heard from legislators and MaineCare officials about the intersection of policy and the delivery of health care.


If you are interested in receiving regular updates about the advocacy work of MaineHealth Government Affairs, please email Sarah Calder to receive the Word from Government Affairs newsletter.


Building Healthy Communities


Join the Movement for a Greener Commute!’s aspirational Environmental Sustainability goal is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Employee commuting contributes to about 5% of these emissions overall. Finding low-carbon options to travel to work is a helpful way for you to engage in sustainability and the MaineHealth Strategic Plan. 


On Friday, September 22, you will have the chance to make a meaningful impact on the environment while connecting with a global community and a local one, too! Join MaineHealth Sustainability in celebrating World Car-Free Day by opting for eco-friendly commuting alternatives. If you’re able to avoid driving alone, explore alternative modes of transportation like carpooling, taking the bus or biking. Read more


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 15 – Oct. 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month, an annual observance celebrating the history and culture of Latino and Hispanic communities in the United States. The 2023 theme is Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power and Progress in America.  


Learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month including ways to celebrate and suggested reading.  



Visit the DEI Intranet (and be sure to bookmark this new link!)


Upcoming Religious Observances’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) along with MMC and SMHC’s Departments of Spiritual Care Services have partnered to offer guidance and resources to better understand the numerous religious observances that occur throughout the year. While religious observances can be incredibly rewarding and joyous, they can also understandably give rise to feelings of disappointment, exclusion, and stress when some observances are much more visible and celebrated than others.


As we co-create a culture of belonging, it is important that we do what we can to demonstrate our support for all of our colleagues. Learn more about upcoming religious observances and suggestions to help everyone feel seen and celebrated throughout the year.


The Spark: Innovation at MaineHealth


Last Call for Innovation Cohort and Ignite Fund Applications are due October 1 at 10:00 a.m.


Innovation Ignite Fund

The Ignite Fund is an internal funding mechanism of up to $20,000 to accelerate innovation projects that address unmet care needs through understanding user pain points, building a prototype or testing an assumption. Learn More and Apply


Innovator Highlight: Learn about FRST Violence Prevention - Chris Racine, MD, lead psychiatrist of emergency psychiatry at Maine Medical Center


Innovation Cohort

The Innovation Cohort is an eight-week experiential program that advances early ideas that address unmet care needs through a discover process including user discovery, prototyping, and intellectual property considerations. Learn More and Apply


The Cohort will meet the following dates from 7:00 - 8:30 a.m.: Oct. 25, Nov. 9, Nov. 30, Dec. 14. Highlight: Learn about the Rescue Vac - Will Connelly, RN, at Maine Medical Center


Want to learn more about which program may be best for your idea? Reach out to to schedule a time to talk!


To learn more about these or other innovation opportunities at MaineHealth, visit the MaineHealth Innovation website.


Professional & Educational Opportunities


Inside Medicine for High School Students – Now Enrolling! you know a high school student who is interested in a career in health care? The Inside Medicine Program is now enrolling for our school year session, which is open to all high school students in the state of Maine! In partnership with Maine Medical Center and Tufts University medical students, the program will take place over six virtual sessions on October 11, November 8, December 13, January 10, February 7, and March 13.


Learn more and register today! The deadline to enroll is October 6.


Questions? Please email


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