MHIR DEI Email Blast 9/26-9/29/23

 Hello MHIR,

Apologies for the abbreviated edition today, we're catching up from being out last week!

Hope you’re taking care of yourself and each other*

  *   Free COVID tests by mail are back, starting September 25<>
  *   How new borrowers can prepare for their first student loan payment<>
  *   How to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office<>
  *   11 Mental Health Resources for the Latinx Community<>
*These suggestions might not be supportive to you, and that’s ok!! Drop us a line to tell us about what’s been supportive to you.

P.S., Many NYT and HBR articles are free through MH – The MH Library can assist with access at<>

  *   Please NOTE: If titles are listed, they have been COPIED EXACTLY from the news source; this is intended to help with links being searchable. If you would like to read one of these articles and it is behind a paywall, please request it from the library

Uplifting News and Empowering Information

UMaine partners with UMass on indigenous knowledge center<>

Subsidized meals in child care tied to healthier kids and families<>

Legalize ME: A Comprehensive Guide to Legally Changing your Name and Gender Markers in the State of Maine by Violet Hart is now available at Print: A Bookstore<>

New program at UNE will aim to address Maine's mental health provider shortage<>

Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness' Wabanaki Youth & Cultural Center host Indigenous Peoples' Day Event on October 9th– Register here<>

Newsworthy and noteworthy for this week:

Extending an Antiracism Lens to the Implementation of Precision Public Health Interventions<>

Teaching about Racism Is Essential for Education<>

Maine's housing crisis contributes to a big increase in student homelessness<>

Rosalind Franklin Deserves a Posthumous Nobel Prize for Co-discovering DNA Structure<>

Upcoming Sessions and Related Events:

10/4:Approaches to Centering Equity in Health Communication Research and Practice<*2F**2Ftraining*2Fclass*2Fapproaches-centering-equity-health-communication-research-and-practice/1/010001897bc8291a-6cad1461-56d8-47e7-bb1c-fe5811a78d85-000000/Ed3EwrX6r1Cv523LycGJwuPBENI=331__;JSUlJSU!!LQXXzXo!2uQEfXWKj4a3WKLYS6dHtGy9PpxE_AEfZk7-ndAMi-Z7Z5G8azH9eZrLSeiuxij2dDOTwgQ6PTdC9tXikotkgfyX$>

10/5: Celebrate LGBTQ+ History month with OUT Maine at USM's LGBTQ+ Collection! Join us at the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine to explore their collections of personal papers and archives of organizations active in the LGBTQ+ communities of Maine. Register here<>

11/8-11/9: Black Lives Matter in Research<>

Know about other events? Share it with us on Slack!

American Psychological Association’s Inclusive Language Guide<>

American Psychological Association’s Bias-Free Language Guide<*1hvpa6h*_ga*MTgxMTQwNDMyMy4xNjc1NzgzNTE1*_ga_SZXLGDJGNB*MTY4OTE4Nzk3MC4xMC4wLjE2ODkxODgzMjIuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.78413268.1530957584.1689187970-1811404323.1675783515>

American Medical Association’s Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts<>

Out Maine’s Terminology Guide<>

NEJM’s video – A Sense of Belonging<,%20December%2029,%202022%20DM1824408_NEJM_Non_Subscriber&bid=1334283870>

How to be an activist without burning out <>

UCLA’s Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send<>

Want to stay up to date on MH Governmental Affairs? Email Sarah Calder (<>) to receive their newsletter

Dates to be aware of (Know of others? Drop us a line!)
September is
Suicide Prevention Month<>
September 15-October 15
Hispanic Heritage Month<>
September 15-17
Rosh Hashanah<>
September 24- 25
Yom Kippur<>
September 26 -27
Mawlid al-Nabi<>


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