MH Academic Affairs March 2023 newsletter


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Research | Education | Innovation

March 2023 Newsletter

View previous Academic Affairs Newsletters here.

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Academic Affairs Leadership Team

Doug Sawyer, MD, PhD

Chief Academic Officer &

Interim Chief Medical Officer

Susan Ahern

Vice President of Innovation

Linda Chaudron, MD, MS

Vice President of Medical Education

Elizabeth A. Jacobs, MD, MPP

Vice President of Research

Kneka Smith, EdD, MPH

Vice President,

Academic Affairs

Note from...

Doug Sawyer, MD, PhD, Chief Academic Officer

Dear all, 

I have been thinking about ‘awe’ lately, and reflecting on the awe I experience through my work with you all at MaineHealth. What got me started on this thought journey was listening to a podcast by Krista Tippett (On Being) where she interviewed Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, and author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life.  Keltner describes awe as “the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world.” 

Listening to the podcast, and now in the middle of reading Keltner’s book, opened up my eyes, mind, and heart to the awe I experience in my daily work. So I started an ‘n of 1’ experiment, journaling a daily record of ‘what brought me awe?’ each day, and reflecting on how this impacts my work and life. Here are a few of the entries:

  • I heard from the iPACE team that every health system in MaineHealth, including Maine Behavioral Health in Sanford, has engaged in the journey to advancing interprofessional practice as the way we provide care;
  • Julie Ontengco shared with me the fantastic quality improvement work and culture of the MMC Trauma team;
  • I was able to witness MatchDay for the TUSM MaineTrack celebrated for the first time at MaineHealth Free Street offices, where local Dean of Students, Dena Whitesell, gave an awesome set of opening remarks to our graduating seniors as they anxiously awaited the news of where they will spend their next years of training, with MH CEO Andy Mueller, MHMG President Aileen Mickey, and MH Chief People Officer Scott Ballard there to cheer for them;
  • Hearing about the great work going on across MaineHealth and in the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital to improve the care for children born prematurely or in distress, coupling research, education, innovation to drive improvement in patient experience and outcomes.


I will skip over the many journal entries/experiences working directly in the care of patients, which I have come to recognize as a great source of awe. This seems to jive with the research of Keltner and others, who have found that across the globe one of the most common experiences of ‘awe’ comes from the interactions we have while helping others. So far in my experiment, journaling the most awesome moment of each day has served to increase my personal joy.  

What brings you awe? Let me know if you are interesting in joining this experiment!

With appreciation, 



  • Upcoming Events & Opportunities
  • Medical Education
  • Library & Knowledge Services

  • Research
  • Innovation

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

UNE Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education Knowledge Exchange Event:

Creating Inclusive, Accessible Healthcare Spaces

April 4 | 6 pm | Zoom

This session brings the Universal Design for Learning framework far beyond the walls of a classroom and into the healthcare setting.  

Learn More

Applications Open for the Interprofessional Innovation in Education Award

Applications due April 10

Maine Medical Center Department of Medical Education and MaineHealth Innovation are collaborating to support novel ideas that solve an unmet health care professional education need with the new funding opportunity open to all 22,000 MaineHealth care team members. 

Learn More & Register
Learn More & Register

50th Maine Biological & Medical Science Symposium

April 21-22 | MDI Biological Laboratory

The annual Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium is a state-wide gathering of scientists and students—an opportunity to share research results, exchange ideas, promote collaboration, and network with Maine scientists in a variety of disciplines.

Learn More & Register

2023 Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat

May 3, 2023

Register now to get this annual event on your calendar! This retreat brings together more than 200 physicians, nurses, scientists and trainees from MaineHealth for a day-long, multi-disciplinary, biomedical research symposium. The event gives basic and clinical researchers – and those who support them - the opportunity to catch up on each other’s work, to ask questions, to create new collaborations, and to discuss research in more depth.

Course Registration Links:

Business Analytic Agility
Communicating the Project

Roux Institute Explorations Level Up Courses

May 2023

Explorations Level Up is a short course offering available to any Roux Institute partner employee. No prior subject experience is needed to participate in these courses. Presented in a compact ‘2-hours x 2-day’ form factor, this is a great opportunity for any lifelong learner interested in an introductory experience in data analytics and/or project management. 

Program Dates:

Business Analytics Agility: Tuesdays, May 9 & 16, 12-2 pm

Communicating the Project: Thursdays, May 11 & 18, 9-11 am

Price: $750 per course. MaineHealth employees are responsible for remitting payment to the Roux Institute when registering. To receive financial reimbursement via MaineHealth please submit a request for Tuition Assistance through Tuition Manager. Roux Institute courses are pre-approved. For questions related to Tuition Assistance please contact the HR Solution Center at 207-661-4000 or by using the Ask HR icon found on all MaineHealth desktops.

Medical Education


New Team Member

Thanks to support from the Women and Children’s Service line, we are excited to welcome David Ireland (pictured right) to our team of simulation specialists. David is a paramedic/firefighter and has worked at various fire departments around the state. He’s certified in cold water rescue awareness, hazardous materials operations, and incident management. Since 2018, he has worked as a paramedic and supervisor at North East Mobile Health Services. Prior to the pandemic, he was an adjunct EMS instructor at Southern Maine Community College, where he utilized simulation in his courses. David’s arrival brings to 6 the total number of simulation specialists at the Sim Center. This programmatic expansion will allow us to more fully support innovative pediatric simulation-based training being done across MaineHealth, using telesimulation and augmented reality. 

Regional Simulation

On March 8, the endovascular team at Brighton Medical Center (pictured left) used high fidelity simulation to test their code blue response protocol with their interprofessional team. As MaineHealth matures as a unified system, more programs shift from Maine Medical Center to other facilities to optimize system efficiency. Simulation is a great tool to ensure all safety systems are in place to support these changes and this training is a great example!

Interprofessional Team Training at MMC

At the beginning of March, the Obstetrical team training program conducted their annual Post-partum hemorrhage/massive transfusion protocol training on the Mother/Baby unit. As always, attendance and engagement were fantastic, representing multiple disciplines (blood bank, OB, family medicine, anesthesia) and professions, 71 total team members- 17 in person and 54 via zoom. On March 15, the team launched Behavioral Emergency/Workplace Violence Prevention training at the Team Training Facility at MMC. Content experts from Security, and Patient Relations/WPV prevention worked with ED staff to reinforce skills pertaining to recognition of behavioral escalation, de-escalation techniques, access of additional resources such as Code Gray and safe patient restraint.

Standardized Patient Lab

As shared by a faculty member this month:

One of our learners had a very "Aha" moment. During the first OSCE scenario, the learner had a positive experience and was given advice during the debriefing section by the SP.

This advice was followed and allowed the learner to be more confident and more expressive in the second scenario. This then was noted by the SP in the second scenario. The feedback was meaningful coming from the "practice" exercise with the SP's. The learner listened to the advice… Which in turn, fostered this individual to be more confident in demeanor, presentation and patient interaction.

I am one of the preceptors in clinic… I can say that the OSCE experience with SPs providing meaningful feedback "through the eyes of a patient" certainly provided a boost of confidence and direction that we as clinicians could not have provided as well. All of our learners through the years, have acknowledged that they learn of their strengths and deficiencies, areas of comfort and discomfort and all benefit from the OSCE scenarios and feedback from the SP's. This year's feedback was exceptional.

Undergraduate Medical Education

Maine Track Match Day Recap

The TUSM Maine Track Class of 2023 celebrated Match Day on March 17th, with 39 students finding out where they will complete their residency program! This momentous occasion was celebrated here in Maine for the first time with a reception for students, families, friends, faculty and staff at the MaineHealth building on Free Street. We had champagne toast and were able to connect virtually with the celebrations happening in Boston. It was a great success! 12 of our Maine Track students matched to MMC for their residency, along with 6 Boston-based TUSM students.  

In addition, 13 students from UNE matched to MMC, and over 40% of incoming residents at MMC rotated through our UME programs at one point during their third and fourth year! Thank you to everyone who helps to make Undergraduate Medical Education at MMC a success—clearly, many students who spend some time with us want to stay! 

Click here for the complete list of TUSM Match results.  

Diversity Scholarship Award Program

UME’s Diversity Scholarship Award Program was very successful this academic year! The program was developed to help advance MaineHealth’s mission to actively pursue and welcome a wide range of perspectives and backgrounds into our workforce. Scholarships are awarded to those rotating with MMC in advanced electives with identities and backgrounds considered underrepresented in medicine. For AY22-23, we awarded 5 visiting students with a scholarship, and one of these students matched to MMC in Internal Medicine! 

Graduate Medical Education

Kalli Varaklis, MDMSEd - Designated Institutional Official

Click on the link below for a Graduate Medical Education (GME) update: March 2023 Update

Maine Medical Center Institute for Teaching Excellence (MITE)

Over 2022, the Academy at the MaineHealth Institute for Teaching Excellence (MITE) charged its Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) subcommittee to develop a convenient toolkit for our clinical faculty. The subcommittee decided in collaboration with institutional leadership to focus on 5 key areas in the scope of DEI. These include: definitions, identity, privilege, bias, and microaggressions. This toolkit was crafted specifically to help support any educator understand and easily apply these foundations in their education or practice. The DEI subcommittee worked with content experts to craft and source the materials found in each segment. Additionally, easy to follow infographics describe the salient information for each subject. A special thank you to the faculty who worked on this tool and Isaac Stickney who made it easily accessible and a spectacular resource. This resource is open to all on our Canvas Open Course Index, should you wish it to be added to your Canvas dashboard please email Sue Rose-Norfleet.

MITE has lots of upcoming events:


Register Now!

MITE and Cardiac Service Line Co-sponsored Grand Rounds welcomes Dr. Geoffrey Barnes from University of Michigan presenting The Art of Lecturing: Using Case-based Didactics, May 11 7:00 am email Jiaqi Shi for the Zoom Link


Best Practices for Delivering Learner Feedback: A Simulation-based Course, May 12, 8 am.

Click here to register


A Special Presentation: Developmental Trajectories of Physical Aggression in Early Childhood and Links to Adolescent Violence presented by Beth Anson, PhD from the University of Rochester May 15, 12:00 pm Dana Auditorium or Zoom. Email Jiaqi Shi to register


Sign Up! Group Manuscript Peer Review: April 19, 2023, 12 pm. Manuscripts submitted by an interprofessional group looking at improving inclusive communication and optimizing psychological safety. Email Sue Rose-Norfleet for the manuscripts, to submit a manuscript, and to register for the session. 

Save the Date: the first Healthcare Professions Educators Conference, September 27, 2023, Dana Center

We have many useful online resources, check out MITE’s newest pages:


Interprofessional Development (CIPD)

Our application has changed, please make sure you are looking to CloudCME for the most updated planning template and do not copy previous applications.

Also check out the Department of Medical Education SharePoint Site for upcoming Grand Rounds!

Check out the Department of Medical Education SharePoint Site!

Library & Knowledge Services

MaineHealth Library Visits

The Library staff continue to tour our member organizations. Watch for us in the greater Portland area at these sites!

  • Brighton, Wednesday 3/29
  • IS Westbrook, Wednesday 4/5
  • Free Street, Monday 4/10
  • Southern Maine Medical, Monday 4/24
  • 100 Campus Drive, Scarborough Surgery, & MH Institute for Research, Wednesday, 5/3


Sim Tour

Thank you to our colleagues at the Hannaford Center for Safety, Innovation & Simulation for a terrific tour. We learned about both the manikin simulation and the standardized patients and the tremendous impact these modalities have on our learners. Simulation is a safe and challenging space for learning new skills - both technical skills and communication skills. 

We visited the manikins and saw a scenario where our patient had anaphylactic shock. Ashley Duguay (photo top right), our intrepid Medical Librarian, was in the middle of the action and played Manikin Mom. 


Awarded Grants

MaineHealth has received an $802,753 grant from NIH (through the NYU Grossman School of Medicine) to study Long COVID. After acute COVID-19, some patients report complaints that persist for months after onset of infection. While the pathogenesis of this symptom complex (PASC) is not known, metabolic dysfunction and glucose intolerance accompany some cases of PASC. MaineHealth, led by Cliff Rosen, MD,(left) Senior Scientist at the MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR) and co-director of the NIH-funded Northern New England Center for Translational Research Network, and Sergey Ryzhov, MD, PhD, (right) Senior Scientist at MHIR, will lead a collaborative team from MaineHealth, the LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Center, the University of Kentucky, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital to characterize the metabolic mechanisms that underlie PASC in vulnerable and under-represented communities. The study is part of RECOVER, the initiative created by NIH to learn about the long-term effects of COVID.

Important News from the Office of Research Ethics & Compliance

With the implementation of Cayuse, the new platform for IRB submissions, the Office of Research Ethics & Compliance is requesting all completed Exempt studies be closed upon completion to ensure a smooth transition of study data from IRBNet to Cayuse platform.

Questions? Contact Donna Horne, Manager of IRB Operations


Congratulations to Casey McAndrews, a first-year medical student at the University of New England, who was recently selected as one of the recipients of the 2023 Endocrine Society Research Experiences for Graduate and Medical Students (REGMS) award under the mentorship of Dr. Cliff Rosen, MHIR Senior Faculty Scientist. As part of the REGMs program, Casey will be working with Carolyn Chlebek, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Rosen Lab on her project analyzing the effects of calorie-restriction on bone quality in a preclinical obesity model. In addition to supporting the research project, the REGMs program offers opportunities to gain education and skills training to strengthen development as a researcher, participate in a variety of volunteer opportunities through the Endocrine Society, and present at the 2024 ENDO conference. 

Check out MaineHealth Institute for Research's SharePoint Site!


the connective tissue between researcheducation, and care

Save the Date! MaineHealth Innovation Blender Event

Senscio Systems - Intelligently Powering Virtual Care

Wednesday, April 14 at 12-12:45 pm via Zoom

Senscio is advancing health care for consumers with complex chronic conditions. Founded in 2010, the company has developed the nation’s first AI-powered multiple chronic conditions management program known as Ibis Health, empowering thousands of members across New England to take control of their own quality of life and well-being from the comfort of their home, while better supporting the providers who care for them. Senscio's mission is to make everyday easier for everyone with chronic conditions and for those who support their care. 

Meet the Presenter: Piali De, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO, Senscio Systems

Piali De is a Co-Founder and CEO of Senscio Systems. She brings to Senscio Systems the vision and passion for a world made better through intelligent information systems. Her current interests are in the application of AI to improve the daily management of chronic conditions by individuals with complex chronic conditions. Her expertise is in designing AI systems to create optimal synergy between human and machines.

Come learn more about Senscio Systems and how they are working to intelligently power virtual care. Register Here

Mark International Creativity and Innovation Day with a Virtual Celebration!

On Friday, April 21 from 12:00-1:00 pm via Zoom, join MaineHealth Innovation in celebrating the UN's International Creativity and Innovation Day! Spend an hour engaging in fun, creative activities to spark your imagination! Learn about how you can engage in innovation at MaineHealth. Let's unleash our creativity together and make this a day to remember!

Register for the Virtual Event Here

Last Call on Applications for Innovation in Education Award!

Applications for the Interprofessional Innovation in Education Fund Award are due April 10 at 11:59 pm. We invite you to submit innovative learning and development models (e.g., curriculum), processes or products that will positively impact learners and help us achieve the MaineHealth vision of working together so our communities are the healthiest in America.

In the spirit of interprofessional collaboration, this award requires that the applicant and implementation team represent more than one health profession. Ideally, your innovative idea will also apply to learning and development in more than one health profession.

This funding opportunity is open to all 22,000 MaineHealth care team members. Medical Education (DME) and MaineHealth Innovation are collaborating to support novel ideas that solve an unmet health care professional education need.

Keep up with MaineHealth Innovation by signing up for Innovation's monthly newsletter.

MaineHealth Innovation builds connections to drive diversity of thought, educates to produce creative problem-solvers, and funds to accelerate ideas. By leveraging the ideas, insights and expertise of all care team members to develop novel solutions to our unmet care needs, we are working together so our communities are the healthiest in America.

To learn more about these or other innovation opportunities at MaineHealth, visit the MaineHealth Innovation website or email

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