Interprofessional Team Training at MMC At the beginning of March, the Obstetrical team training program conducted their annual Post-partum hemorrhage/massive transfusion protocol training on the Mother/Baby unit. As always, attendance and engagement were fantastic, representing multiple disciplines (blood bank, OB, family medicine, anesthesia) and professions, 71 total team members- 17 in person and 54 via zoom. On March 15, the team launched Behavioral Emergency/Workplace Violence Prevention training at the Team Training Facility at MMC. Content experts from Security, and Patient Relations/WPV prevention worked with ED staff to reinforce skills pertaining to recognition of behavioral escalation, de-escalation techniques, access of additional resources such as Code Gray and safe patient restraint.
Standardized Patient Lab As shared by a faculty member this month: One of our learners had a very "Aha" moment. During the first OSCE scenario, the learner had a positive experience and was given advice during the debriefing section by the SP. This advice was followed and allowed the learner to be more confident and more expressive in the second scenario. This then was noted by the SP in the second scenario. The feedback was meaningful coming from the "practice" exercise with the SP's. The learner listened to the advice… Which in turn, fostered this individual to be more confident in demeanor, presentation and patient interaction. I am one of the preceptors in clinic… I can say that the OSCE experience with SPs providing meaningful feedback "through the eyes of a patient" certainly provided a boost of confidence and direction that we as clinicians could not have provided as well. All of our learners through the years, have acknowledged that they learn of their strengths and deficiencies, areas of comfort and discomfort and all benefit from the OSCE scenarios and feedback from the SP's. This year's feedback was exceptional. |
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