Your MaineHealth News for November 28


NOVEMBER 28, 2022

MaineHealth News is distributed bi-weekly to all care team members, and includes news, information, and resources from across our system. View Submission Guidelines | View Submission Form  | View 2022 Calendar


In This Issue

Top Stories News & Updates News You Can Use Healthy Communities, Equity & Inclusion Technology Spark: Innovation at MaineHealth

New Flexible Work Policy Announced

Phishing Awareness Helps Protect Our Data and Systems

Training Programs Open New Doors... and Careers



MaineHealth News is your source for timely news, information and resources from across our health system. Look for it in your email inbox every other Monday! Send questions or comments to

MaineHealth News & Updates


Next Andy’s Open Door is December 7th in for the next Andy’s Open Door program on Wednesday, December 7 at 9:00 a.m. Joining Andy will be chief people officer Scott Ballard.


Submit your questions in advance to or during the live chat. To view the calendar or access the meeting link, visit Andy’s intranet site.


Working Together Episode 9: Keeping Score, Part Two 9 of the Working Together podcast with COO Kelly Elkins builds on the information shared in the first “Keeping Score” podcast, when chief planning officer Mark Harris discussed the development and purpose of a balanced scorecard for MaineHealth.


Since that time, the MaineHealth Board has approved our strategic plan and balanced scorecard, and it is now time to put our plans and scorecard management system into action. In this episode, Kelly and Mark walk through the strategic priorities and FY23 goals.


HR News You Can Use


New Flexible Work Policy Announced consistent theme that care team members shared in the 2022 Care Team Experience – Engagement and Culture of Safety Survey is the desire for flexible work where possible. MaineHealth’s new Flexible Work policy, which is now available in MCN Policy Manager, supports different ways of working together, reinforcing recruitment and retention efforts while keeping our mission and vision firmly in mind. A multi-disciplinary workgroup researched and developed the new policy considering business needs for work on-site and/or that outside of the traditional workplace. Leaders received the policy earlier this month to review and consider if there are flexible work opportunities within their department.


We invite you to read the policy and the FAQs and discuss with your manager. The policy details definitions, key points, and the eligibility and conditions of flexible work.

·       For care team members currently working in hybrid and 100% remote arrangements: A new e-learn, “Care Team E-learn for Flexible Work,” is in the Learning Management System (LMS) on your desktop to provide more info. It also is designed as a refresher on working remotely. Access instructions are on page 3 of the FAQs under Training & Resources. You must complete the e-learn by December 30.


MaineHealth is pleased to offer different ways of working together. We hope you will review the policy with supporting materials and explore flexible work options with your leader.


Training Programs Open New Doors… and Careers

In a recent episode of the Working Together podcast, Jennifer O’Leary, director of Workforce Development, addressed opportunities through MaineHealth training programs and community partnerships. MaineHealth offers a choice of programs including paid training and tuition reimbursement, and often no health care experience is necessary. Programs include training to become a CNA, medical assistantphlebotomist and surgical technologist. Participants must meet criteria and qualifications to be accepted into the programs. For full program information, contact: or review this program summary. Please share with your network or friends who may be interested in a health care career.


Host a Summer Intern through the Non-Clinical Internship Program

The MaineHealth Center for Workforce Development is gearing up for the 2023 Non-Clinical Summer Internship Program, and now is the time to learn more about becoming a host department! In this 10-week program, interns join MaineHealth to complete project-based tasks and experience opportunities for continued learning, development and networking. Hosting an intern can be a great way to:

  • Help students from across the country to learn about the health care industry
  • Provide you a chance to help build the workforce you would like to see in the future
  • Get support on tasks and projects
  • Develop your skillset as a professional mentor


Review the FAQs & Updates for more information, contacts and details on an info session from 11:00 a.m. – noon on Thursday, December 8. Complete and submit an Intern Proposal Form by January 4, 2023.


Tips and Resources for Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder Affective Disorder is common, often overlooked and can be triggered by the change of seasons. People who suffer from seasonal depression can feel mentally healthy for the majority of the year, and then experience an onset of symptoms during a specific season(s) often feeling sadness, trouble sleeping, lack of energy or loss of interest in normal activities.


Be sure to view the recent Talkspace: Managing Seasonal Depression webinar and learn how to identify seasonal depression in yourself and others, equip yourself with practical ways to talk about it, and outline effective ways to both treat and manage symptoms.


Read the tips and resources for managing or preventing Seasonal Affective Disorder


Building Healthy Communities


November is Diabetes Awareness Month to the American Diabetes Association, over 1.4 million New England residents have diabetes, and many others may have diabetes and don’t know it. With uncontrolled diabetes, your body cannot move the sugar into your cells to be used for energy, so dangerous levels of sugar build up in your blood.

· With Type 1 diabetes, your body stops making insulin or doesn’t make enough insulin. Because of this, you need to take insulin so your body can then carry the sugar into your cells.

· With Type 2 diabetes, your body does not make enough insulin, or it is not able to use the insulin it does make, causing a buildup of sugar in your blood. This is the most common type of diabetes, and in some cases, it can be prevented or delayed.


Prediabetes means that your blood sugar is higher than normal, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes. Most people with type 2 diabetes have prediabetes first, but many people do not know it. You can prevent or delay developing type 2 diabetes, and other health issues, by making small lifestyle changes.


Talk to your health care provider about risk factors, type 2 diabetes prevention and choosing the best treatment options for you. Learn more about diabetes and prevention


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Statement on Colorado Shooting and TDOR

The MaineHealth LGBTQ+ Care Team Member Network (CTMN) would like to express their extreme sadness and solidarity in response to the shooting at Club Q, the LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


“We are heartbroken for the victims, their families, and our community members in Colorado. It is particularly devastating and frightening when an act of violence occurs within one of our safe spaces such as Club Q. This event took place on the eve of one of the most solemn days of recognition for the LGBTQ+ community, Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR), held this year on Sunday, November 20. TDOR is a day to remember and mourn our transgender siblings lost through violence and suicide.” 


Violence within the trans community disproportionately affects Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) trans individuals. Since 2013, it is estimated that at least 85 percent of trans people killed were people of color - black transgender women making up 63 percent of all victims. 


According to the Human Rights Campaign, there were at least 32 transgender and gender-nonconforming people killed through violence in 2022.


Even through this time of sadness and reflection, it is important that we remain together in support of each other. The LGBTQ+ CTMN would like to offer these resources of support:


Get Free and Confidential Help 24/7, 365: The Trevor Project

Resources on Trans Law: Transgender Law Center

Maine Trans Support Groups: MaineTrans.Net

Reach out to the LGBTQ+ Care Team Member Network


New DEI Courses Available to All Care Team Members

MaineHealth Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offers a selection of courses that are open to all care team members. Whether you’re interested in creating environments of belonging or becoming an effective ally in the workplace, there are several courses to choose from. Topics range from understanding implicit bias and talking across differences, to exploring topics like identity and culture, systems and structures, and becoming a DEI Ambassador. Department-specific trainings are also considered, depending on capacity and availability.


Visit the DEI intranet page for more information and class descriptions. All courses are held on online and you can click the course link to sign up.


Information Technology


Phishing Awareness Helps Protect Our Data and Systems

The Information Technology Cyber Security Phishing Awareness Campaign continues across MaineHealth with phishing email scenarios to “lure” a care team member to click on the wrong button. “Phishing” plays a role in almost 90% of cyber security incidents and data breaches involving human error. Practicing our ability to spot a suspicious email helps keep our data and systems safe.


What do I need to do? you spot a questionable email, click the ‘Report Suspicious’ button located at the top right side of your Inbox menu to report it.


If you have clicked on a suspicious link or opened a potentially dangerous attachment before realizing it was suspicious, and you do not think it was a training simulation, please immediately report it by clicking the ‘Report Suspicious’ button and call the Help Desk at (207) 662-6400 so they can alert the Information Technology Security team to investigate.


What will I see?

Employees who successfully identify the phishing simulation email and report it will be immediately notified of their success. Those who fail the phishing simulation email will instead be given on-the-spot training information on how to improve.


The Spark: Innovation at MaineHealth


Save the Date – December Innovation Blender! share your expertise and insights! Join MaineHealth Innovation for the next Innovation Blender event on Wednesday December 14, from 12:00-12:45 p.m. (via Zoom) featuring Mike Wing of Accelera. Accelera believes it has a meaningful and unique solution to help people overcome neurological challenges with its wearable technology. Imagine a solution that is safe, comfortable, affordable and proven to help children and adults alike with neurological challenges, such as cerebral palsy, spasticity, neuropathy, difficulties with balance and gait, essential tremors and more. The company's team has designed, tested, and established a plan that will take the SR-100 to market and potentially help improve the lives of so many people.


Join this interactive brainstorm as Mike seeks to address some of his company's innovation challenges! Register for the Zoom Event


Keep up with MaineHealth Innovation by signing up for the monthly newsletter.


To learn more about these or other innovation opportunities at MaineHealth, visit the MaineHealth Innovation website or email

MaineHealth in the News


Neurologist Jane Morris, MD, spoke to WCSH-6 about what scientists know about cryptogenic stroke.


Gary Hochheiser, MD, who leads the MaineHealth lung cancer screening program, explained to WMTW-8 why it’s so important for eligible Mainers to get a lung cancer screening test.


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