MMC Town Hall this Wednesday


June 27, 2022


Reminder: MMC Town Hall this Wednesday


MMC has rescheduled its in-person Town Hall for this Wednesday, June 29, from 12 – 1 p.m. in the Dana Center Auditorium (no virtual option).


Care team members will hear a short presentation from MMC President Jeff Sanders and will have an opportunity to ask questions during the remainder of the hour. The event will be recorded and distributed afterward in eNews. Please join us.



COVID-19 News

MMC News

·        COVID-19 Population Update

·        Outbreak, Watch Update

·        Congratulations to Elisa Martin, RN, June Good Catch Recipient!  

·        Vagabond Coffee Truck at MMC Starting Today

·        Weekly Construction Update

·        MMC in the News


Click here for all MMC News, including past eNews stories and a calendar of events.


COVID-19 News


COVID-19 Population Update (all data as of 6/24):


·         Number of admitted MMC COVID-19 positive patients – 17

·         Number of Maine positive cases (CDC) – 266,633




You Are Making a Difference!

Total COVID-19 Discharges: 2,134

COVID-19 Discharges Since Last Update: 7


Thank you for all you do.


Outbreak, Watch Update


As of Friday, June 24, R4 moved to Outbreak status and P6 to Watch status, while Bean 5 has returned to Baseline status.


Dana Center testing this week for care team members in Outbreak units will be from 6-10 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, June 28, and Friday, July 1. Testing for those in Watch units will be from 6-10 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, June 28.


For the most up-to-date information on which units are on Watch or Outbreak status, visit the Epidemiology and Infection Prevention intranet page.


All care team members are reminded to remain vigilant and:


  • Follow all PPE guidelines at work.
  • Ensure that patients are given a fresh mask daily.
  • Consistently reinforce to patients and our visitors the importance of proper masking.

MMC News

Congratulations to Elisa Martin, RN, June Good Catch Recipient!


Congratulation to Elisa Martin, RN, Clinical Nurse III on P3CD. Elisa is the June recipient of the Good Catch award.


The Good Catch program is a way to recognize care team members who directly contribute to a positive change at the hospital by identifying and reporting a safety risk or “near miss” incident.


Elisa identified an expired heparin flush she got from the med room before using it on her patient. She then took it a step further, examined the contents of the heparin flush bin in her med room and was able to remove 38 expired syringes ensuring no one else had access to use on a patient. Her actions directly and positively impacted patient safety.


Thank you Elisa!


Pictured above from left to right: Mark Parker, Vice President, Quality & Safety; Devin Carr, RN, Chief Nursing Officer; Marilyn Flanders RN, Vice President, Patient Care Services; Elisa Martin, RN, Joel Botler, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Jennifer McCarthy, Chief Operating Officer


Vagabond Coffee Truck at MMC Starting Today


The Vagabond Coffee Truck will be making a regular appearance at MMC!


Starting today, Monday, June 27, the truck will be in the St. John Street parking garage every Monday and Tuesday from 6 - 8 a.m., offering coffee for purchase through the summer.


Grab a cup of java to fuel up before you hop on the shuttle!


Weekly Construction Update


The Malone Family Tower:


·         There are more than 100 workers on-site daily.

·         On Thursday, June 30, a slab deck pour will occur, requiring a one-lane shut down on Gilman Street for the day, potentially through midnight, to make sure concrete is placed properly. This pour is dependent on good weather. Any schedule changes will be posted on the project web page.

·         The removal of concrete formwork on the walls continues. The foundation wall work is almost complete and are being waterproofed. 

·         Placement of steel columns, beams and decking is ongoing. Over half of the structural steel has been placed.

·         Backfill is occurring on the west side of the site to bring the level of soil up to finish grade.

·         Mechanical and electrical infrastructure is being installed.

·         Truck traffic is occurring in and around the site. Expect intermittent traffic delays.

·         Cranes are onsite placing materials.


MMC in the News


The Portland Press HeraldMaine Public Radio and  WGME-13 spoke to Maine Medical Center President Jeff Sanders about MMC reaching its $150 million goal for Next 150 Campaign, the hospital expansion fund. The goal was reached in part with the recent $2 million donation from Eric and Peggy Cianchette of Portland.


MMC News is published by the Maine Medical Center Communications and Public Affairs team


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