MMCRI DEI Workgroup Email Blast 4/25 - 4/29/22
Happy Monday, MMCRI
Hope everyone is remembering to take care of yourselves
*These suggestions might not be supportive to you, and that’s ok!! Drop us a line to tell us about what’s been supportive to you.
Self-Reflection Quotes of the Week:
“What is empathy? Empathy is the process of learning how to decenter yourself to create the capacity to show up for others suffering from exclusion – while also reminding them that they are not alone. This act of empathy is not about forgetting yourself because it takes a very secure person to set aside being seen for a moment to see others fully.” – Terence Lester
Moments of Inspiration:
Mills signs bill to fix Passamaquoddy water crisis in culmination of years-long campaign
NASA astronaut Jessica Watkins celebrates ‘milestone’ for diversity in space industry
Community college will be free for some Maine students
A pocket of diversity has grown in one of Maine's most rural counties
A great podcast featuring Shana Spence, Ms, RDN, CDN who counsels on HAES (Healthy At Every Size) and Intuitive Eating*
* for education and entertainment, you know your nutritional needs best
Autism Walk brings community back together after two years apart
MDI lab pledges to offer haven for Ukrainian scientists fleeing the war
Relatedly: If you are interested, willing, or able: How You Can Help Support Ukraine
Upcoming events:
Anti-Racism in Medical Education: Addressing Barriers to Change, May 17
National Antiracist Book Festival
Climate Migration Speaker Series - Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Know about other events this week? Share it with us on Slack!
Newsworthy and noteworthy for this week:
Black Americans’ Views of and Engagement With Science
Leaders: Stop Just Checking The Box On Diversity. Make An Impact
A profound piece about GuiYing Ma
Life after life in California's prisons – a moving piece on the challenges of reentering one’s community
The Limits of ‘Lived Experience’ – this made me think and I’m still thinking about what I think about this. What did you think about it? Talk to us about it on Slack
This (plus our session last Friday) got me thinking about the importance of data in DEI
A look Inside the Textbooks that Florida Rejected
Poet explores intersection of art, trauma and the ‘Trayvon Generation’
What to know about Melissa Lucio’s case
6 Kids Speak Out Against Hair Discrimination
American Psychological Association’s Inclusive Language Guide
AMA’s Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts
UCLA’s Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send
Want to stay up to date on MH Governmental Affairs? Email Sarah Calder ( to receive their newsletter
Dates to be aware of:
April is | |
April 2 | |
April 7 | |
April 22 |
Upcoming Sessions:
MaineHealth Acute Care COBRE and the MMCRI DEI Workgroup are pleased to host Allura Casanova, M.S., for the two-part training series: Strategies for Effective Allyship
In this training, we will learn about:
Identity. Participants will learn about how aspects of identity interact with the many contexts we work and live in. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on how aspects of their identify relate to privilege or oppression.
Allyship. Participants will learn about the many types of allyship. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in an interactive training on best practices responsible intervention.
Part 1: May 2nd, 10-11:30am
Part 2: May 17th, 3-4:30pmAllura Casanova is a graduate student in the Joint Psychology and Women’s Studies PhD program at the University of Michigan. As an interdisciplinary researcher, her research breaks down into three main areas of interest including: 1) how men of color conceptualize their own masculinity through the influence of race and culture, and what forms of gender discrimination they experience, 2) how gender expectations and masculinity norms influence men’s mental health and well-being, and finally 3) how sexual harassment manifests differently for men, specifically men of color, who are subject to hypermasculine expectations and fetishism. In addition to her aspirations of becoming a tenure track professor in psychology, she actively participates in Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives to erase structural racism and oppression present in academia. She does DEI work by recruiting and mentoring Black, Indigenous, and students of color pursing their secondary education, participating in diversity service work at her college, and creating unique projects (e.g., workshops, exhibitions) that promote the necessity of diversity.
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