Second Boosters and April Events


March 31, 2022


Second Boosters Available for Those 50+


On Tuesday, March 29, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a second booster of Pfizer or Moderna for those who are 50 or older and are at least four months beyond their previous booster.


MMC care team members (including those at all offsite locations), as well as MaineHealth employees who work at 22 Bramhall, who fall into this category will have two convenient locations to get their second booster, with scheduling beginning Monday, April 4, at []


          A Dana Center clinic will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. beginning Thursday, April 7.

          MaineHealth offers an easy-access clinic at 110 Free Street in Portland on Wednesdays from 3-6 p.m. beginning April 6.

Please note: MaineHealth employees not at 22 Bramhall (MMP offices, MBH, etc.) are asked to please schedule at 110 Free Street for capacity reasons.


These clinics will be available for a limited opportunity; other providers throughout greater Portland also will be offering the second booster shots.


Please indicate that you are an employee when signing up for an appointment at any of the MaineHealth locations so that your vaccine information can be recorded correctly for Human Resources and Employee Health. Be sure to enter your work email address in the sign-up form.


Please note:

          Remember to fill out your consent form and bring it to your appointment.

          You are required to import your COVID-19 vaccination records into MyChart before receiving a booster. It’s easy to do in MyChart and this video shows you how (instructions start at 1-minute mark).

          Please bring your vaccination card or a photo of it.


Questions? Email


COVID-19 News

MMC News

·        COVID-19 Population Update

·        Current COVID Watch Units

·        Wellbeing Corner

·        RL Solutions Maintenance Today

·        MMC is Springing into Maine!

·        Access to Care Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Open House

·        Ramadan Begins at Dusk on Friday

·        Retirement Celebration: Ann Taylor

·        New Critical Care Medicine APP residency


Click here for all MMC News, including past eNews stories and a calendar of events.


COVID-19 News


COVID-19 Population Update (all data as of 3/30):


·         Number of admitted MMC COVID-19 positive patients – 7

·         Number of Maine positive cases (CDC) – 235,584




You Are Making a Difference!

Total COVID-19 Discharges: 1,835

COVID-19 Discharges Since Last Update: 3


Thank you for all you do.



Current COVID Watch Units


As of Wednesday, March 30, R3 was on Watch status.


Units P3CD SCU 4 and R4 have returned to Baseline status.


A watch is declared when there are five positive employees working while infectious over a seven-day window, or one hospital-acquired positive patient.


Please note: care team members in Watch units should mask throughout the 22 Bramhall Campus, including the Dana Center, classrooms, meeting spaces, etc.


The Dana Center testing clinic for Care Team members in Watch units will be open today, Thursday, March 31, from 6 – 10 a.m., and on Tuesday, April 5, from 6 – 10 a.m.


For the latest information on outbreak and watch units, visit Infection Prevention’s intranet site.


Care team members are reminded to please ensure that patients are given a fresh mask daily, to consistently reinforce to patients and our visitors the importance of proper masking and to make sure to follow all PPE requirements, including proper usage of masks and eyewear.



Wellbeing Corner
An update from the COVID-19 Colleague Wellbeing Committee.


A Tool In Your Belt: Using Mindfulness To Combat Stress


Do you ever feel like your life is a game of whack-a-mole? When things get beyond hectic, what is your go-to response? There are many coping strategies such as going for a run, making sure you get a good night’s sleep and talking to a friend. Some people “lean in” while others focus on being centered, otherwise known as mindful.


Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing attention on the present moment in a nonjudgmental way. Mindfulness interventions have been shown to help enhance coping skills and mitigate work-related distress by reducing symptoms of poor mental health and increasing compassion and positive communication skills. A recent study of Family Medicine residents showed significant improvements after an eight-week intervention in resident scores on anxiety, stress, perceived resilience and compassion.


In this month’s five-minute Just in Five video, Joel Guarna, PhD, presents ways and resources to incorporate mindfulness that he has found successful in his own and his clients’ lives. Whether you use one of his tips or explore the apps in the video resource list, a mindfulness focus is a skill to be developed, is possible for busy lives and does make a difference. 


For the entire Just in 5 Video Prevention and Wellness series, please bookmark or subscribe to our YouTube channel.




Check out these great resources, for us by us:


MMC News


RL Solutions Maintenance Today


RL Solutions will be down for maintenance today, Thursday March 31, from 8 a.m. -  4 p.m. If you need to enter a high-priority report, please reach out to your supervisor or local risk manager. Otherwise, enter your report as usual once RL is back online.



MMC is Springing Into Maine!


Spring is in the air at MMC! We are kicking off April by paying homage to springtime in Maine. From Monday, April 4, through Friday, April 8, please join us for a week of Maine-themed activities called “Spring Into Maine!” Care team members are invited to participate in the scheduled activities, listed here. More details on the Spring into Maine activities will be shared in Monday’s eNews. The list also includes other April events and observances including Earth Week and Ramadan.


Brighton Campus and Campus Drive in Scarborough will be included in activities


It’s been a long winter. Let’s celebrate spring!


Access to Care Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Open House


Over the past two decades, MaineHealth Access to Care has helped vulnerable populations navigate the complexities of the health care system to ensure comprehensive, affordable health care and improve the quality of life in our communities.


Access to Care is comprised of MedAccess, CarePartners, Coverage Team, Complex Coverage Group, Homeless Health Partners and the Patient Assistance Line, and has helped over 162,000 people since 2001. Anyone can review the systemwide impact “by the numbers” in the Access to Care Total Impact Report.


Access to Care programs have had a significant impact on Maine Medical Center and its patients. Over the past 20 years, 77,732 people have been helped through the program in Cumberland County, including 12,851 in FY 2021. Also in FY 2021: 264 people were assisted with the Health Insurance Marketplace; 3,298 Medicaid/ACA Applications were submitted; $16.7 million in medications were received through prescription assistance programs and $43.54 million in reimbursements to MMC and MMP were generated in Cumberland County.


To celebrate and recognize the important work of the Access to Care programs, please join us for an open house Friday, April 8, 2-4 p.m. at 241 Oxford Street in Portland. There will be brief remarks by MMC President Jeff Sanders and MaineHealth Chief Pharmacy Officer Brian Marden, and refreshments will be provided. (Please note, space is limited.)



Ramadan Begins at Dusk on Friday


In Muslim communities around the world, the month of Ramadan is a time for fasting and renewed spiritual devotion. This year, Ramadan will take place beginning at dusk on Friday, April 1, and ending at dusk on Sunday, May 1, following the lunar cycle. For a full schedule of prayer times, click here.


Throughout the Maine Medical Center campus, we will be offering several temporary Ramadan prayer spaces in convenient locations for employees. These locations will be designated as prayer spaces during designated hours in the 30-day period from April 1 - May 1. For locations and prayer times, click here.


Leaders and managers, please make sure that this schedule is broadly communicated to all care teams so that everyone is aware of timing and availability of these spaces.


During Ramadan, the Maine Medical Center Cafeteria will be offering fresh dates which can be eaten either at the beginning (4-5:30 a.m.) or the end (7:50 - 9 p.m.) of your daily fast. There will also be special Ramadan meal offerings for selected Iftars and for Eid-al-Fitr (conclusion of Ramadan fasting on May 1 ).


Questions? Call Rev. Heather Weidemann, Director of Spiritual Care Services, at 662-2352.


Retirement Celebration: Ann Taylor

At the end of the month, Ann Taylor will retire from Maine Medical Center after more than 23 years. Ann has been a highly valued and much loved member of the Department of Anesthesiology and the MMC community. Department leadership will be hosting a reception for Ann on Friday, April 1, from 2 - 4 p.m. in room G077 (OR quiet lounge). Please join us to wish Ann well.


New Critical Care Medicine APP residency


Critical Care Medicine recently announced a new APP residency and the nearing graduation of their first two APPs!


The department created a video which highlights the program. The video can be found embedded on the program website, here.


If you have questions about the program, please contact Program Director Angela LeClerc.


MMC News is published by the Maine Medical Center Communications and Public Affairs team


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