February 2022 Academic Affairs Newsletter



Research | Education | Innovation

February 2022 Newsletter

View previous Academic Affairs Newsletters here.

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Academic Affairs Leadership Team

Doug Sawyer, MD, PhD

Chief Academic Officer &

Interim Chief Medical Officer

Susan Ahern

Vice President of Innovation

Linda Chaudron, MD, MS

Vice President of Medical Education

Elizabeth A. Jacobs, MD, MPP

Vice President of Research

Kneka Smith, EdD, MPH

Vice President of Operations for Academic Affairs

Note from... Doug Sawyer, MD, PhD

Chief Academic Officer

Dear all,

It has been a short but productive month across Academic Affairs! I have left many meetings this month feeling inspired by the direction in which academic affairs is heading across our health system, thanks to all of your great work. Here are just a few highlights:


We are making great progress on the FY21-FY22 Academic Affairs Strategic Plan, including the ways we are measuring our success on becoming a learning health system. We are also starting to find consistent and equitable strategies for our care team members to find time to participate in the research, education and innovation activities needed to achieve our vision. 


Speaking of education, we had a super Academic Affairs Town Hall on Feb. 3 about how we engage in teaching activities as part of our identities, and beyond just our "day jobs." In case you missed it, check out the recording link, notes and fun word cloud we generated here.


Shout out to the Medical Education team for pulling together a new terrific internal Medical Education website that serves as a hub of education opportunities at MMC and across MaineHealth.


Thanks for all you do,



  • Upcoming Events
  • Opportunities
  • Medical Education
  • Simulation
  • Library & Knowledge Services
  • Research
  • Innovation


MaineHealth Intellectual Property

Information Session

Mar. 9 | 7:30-8:00am | Register here.

MaineHealth Innovation Blender:

Neuright, Inc. Tackles Peripheral Neuropathy - Catch It Early, Fix it Fast

Mar. 15 | 12:00-12:45pm | Register here. 

Tufts CTSI Translation Research Day 2022: "The Impact and Promise of Learning Health Systems"

Mar. 15 | 10:00am-4:00pm | Register here.

MITE Writing Workshop:

Tips & Tricks to Improve Academic Writing

Mar. 30 | 3:00-4:30pm | Register here.

Unlocking Women’s Potential

Mar. 31 | 3:00-4:30pm | RSVP here.

2022 Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat

May 4-5, 2022 | Register here.

University of New England

Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education Spring 2022 Calendar


MaineHealth Innovation Ignite Fund

Application Deadline: March 15, 2022 at 12:00pm ESTLearn more and apply.

MaineHealth Innovation Cohort

Application Deadline: April 1, 2022 at 12:00pm ESTLearn more and apply.

Call for Abstracts! Annual Nursing

Research and Innovation Awards

Abstract Deadline: March, 21, 2022 at 11:59pmLearn More.

2022 Statewide Research Symposium on Biomedical Science and Engineering

Submit your abstract for the October 13-14, 2022 symposium. Learn more.

Medical Education

Check out the new Dept. of Medical Education SharePoint Site!

Maine Medical Center Institute for Teaching Excellence (MITE)

It is that time of year again! If you or a colleague you know are thinking about applying for the MITE Scholars Program, now is the time to beginning to prepare your application. Find instructions here on our website. Contact Sue Rose-Norfleet with any questions.


It’s the perfect time of year to Spread Joy by nominating your colleagues and learners for demonstrating outstanding acts of education during these difficult times. The MITE team will leave a little surprise gift for them! See the nomination process here or email Sue Rose-Norfleet with your nomination. Formal nominations are not necessary!


Join us for Group Manuscript Peer Review the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Email Kelley-Anne Clisham with inquiries. 


We have many useful online resources, check out MITE’s newest pages:


Writing Workshop: Tips & Tricks to Improve Academic Writing

Mar. 30 | 3-4:30pm


Sign Up!
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Continuing Interprofessional Development (CIPD)

Did you know that you can claim 2 Continuing Education or CME credits per teaching hour? Simply follow this link and log into CloudCME, and fill out the Learning from Teaching Form. You can claim the time you have spent teaching and earn 2 credits per hour.

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Undergraduate Medical Education

Jennifer Hayman, MD, UME Curriculum Director

Alison Samitt, MD, Director of Student Affairs

Another Warm Welcome and Bittersweet

Good-bye in UME!

Tom Albert, MD, has officially assumed the role of Family Medicine clerkship director, taking the baton from Peg Cyr, MD after a remarkable 27 years in the role. With gratitude to two wonderful educators, we welcome Dr. Albert to this leadership role and thank Dr. Cyr for continuing to teach future physicians. READ MORE.

Graduate Medical Education

Kalli Varaklis, MDMSEd - Designated Institutional Official

Dear GME Community,

We (okay, I) talk often about evidence-based graduate medical education as the standard to which all programs – and institutions – need to hold themselves. I have attached two articles (view here) very worth the read to help us meet that lofty goal:

1. Evidence-based GME Recruitment Strategies – suggesting that immediately after a recruitment cycle is the best time to assess PDSA your process of reducing bias in GME interviewing (not necessarily your outcome).

2. Best GME Articles from 2021 – great examples of high quality, evidence-based GME research to inspire us all Kalli

READ MORE from the February 2022 DIO Update.

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Read the

Feb. 2022 DIO Update

Medical Education https://www.mainehealth.org/Maine-Medical-Center/Education


Reintroducing the ImPACTS Simulation Program at Pen Bay

The Simulation team is pleased to restart the system-wide roll-out of ImPACTS (Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation) program at Pen Bay Hospital on Monday, Feb. 28. The interprofessional care team at Pen Bay did a great job using simulation to prepare and improve protocols to manage critically ill pediatric patients. Going forward, they will participate in a new study three-month protocol which will engage with them with weekly educational content to bolster their knowledge, skills, and system readiness to manage emergencies covered during the simulation. 


Augmented Reality Simulation Project Recognition

Also in February, our collaboration with MaineHealth Innovation and the Pediatrics service line to develop an augmented reality Neonatal Resuscitation Program for MaineHealth’s rural hospitals was featured in HealthySimulation.coma leading resource for simulation news and information. Click here to read the article, which quotes from Drs. Mary Ottolini, Michael Ferguson, and Leah Mallory.

Library & Knowledge Services

Visit the new MaineHealth Library site to learn more about available resources for your clinical questions, continuing education, or quality improvement. You can easily search the Library collection right from the top page.

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The Discover search will quickly find articles and other content from your query. Try it out for a fast search!

Journals, Books and Databases search will look for ejournals, ebooks and online databases in the collection. You can search or browse by title and by topic.

The Video search will guide you to content from HSTalks, Procedures Videos and Bates’ Physical Exam. Search this collection to find content – animated or lecture, short or long, basic science or clinical procedures.

You can also search PubMed and Google Scholar right from our homepage. Not just any link: these links will include access to MaineHealth’s available full-text content. Start your search from here!

FMI: library@mainehealth.org | 207-662-2202


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Seconde Nimenya, MBA is an author of five books on personal and professional leadership development and her most recent is: Unlocking Diversity: How to Create Inclusive Cultures in a World of Differences.

MaineHealth COBRE in Metabolic Networks, MMCRI Lean-In Circle and MMCRI DEI Workgroup are pleased to present:

DEI Workshop

Unlocking Women’s Potential: How far we have come, and how far we can go as a society

International, award-winning author and speaker

Seconde Nimenya, MBA

Mar. 31 | Virtual | 3:00-4:30pm

Join us as we reflect on the state of women in the workplace, identify some of the challenges women face today, and discuss the role allies can play in women’s empowerment. It is crucial that we have these conversations to facilitate diversity, equity and inclusion, both in our workplaces and in the broader communities where we work and live.

Registration required and space is limited. RSVP to Cole Ferm

2022 Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat:

May 4 - 5, 2022

This annual retreat brings together more than 200 physicians, nurses, scientists and trainees from MaineHealth for a two day-long, multi-disciplinary, biomedical research symposium. The event gives basic and clinical researchers – and those who support them - the opportunity to catch up on each other’s work, to ask questions, to create new collaborations, and to discuss research in more depth.

This event will be held entirely virtually over the course of two days. We hope that you, your colleagues, and your trainees will participate! Register and learn more.

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Keynote Presenter

Dr. Katrina Armstrong

Chair of the Department of Medicine and Physician-in-Chief

Massachusetts General Hospital

Maine Medical Center Research Institute | https://mmcri.org/


the connective tissue between researcheducation, and care

MaineHealth Innovation Newsletter

MaineHealth Innovation launched a monthly newsletter to engage MaineHealth care team members in innovation and the local innovation and entrepreneurial industry. View the February 2022 issue here.

Subscribe Here 

The 2020-2021

MaineHealth Innovation

Annual Report

The 2020-2021 MaineHealth Innovation Annual Report is now live! This report is a celebration of innovation across MaineHealth and the brave innovators, partners and leaders who have shaped MaineHealth Innovation over its first two years. Thank you to all who help foster a culture of innovation!

View the Report


MaineHealth Innovation Spring 2022 Programs

Innovation Cohort

This 8-week program helps MaineHealth care team members advance an early innovative "back of the envelope" idea that addresses an unmet care need.

Application Deadline

April 1, 2022 at 12:00pm EST 

Learn More + Apply

Innovation Ignite Fund

The 12-month MaineHealth Innovation Ignite Fund provides an investment of up to $20,000 to help innovators understand their user pain points, pilot an idea, build a prototype, or test an assumption.

Application Deadline

March 15, 2022 at 12:00pm EST

Learn More + Apply
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Nir Harish, MD, MBA

Emergency Physician

Pen Bay Medical Center

Meet Nir Harish, MD, MBA -

MaineHealth Innovation Clinical Coach

Nir Harish, MD, MBA is an emergency physician at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport, ME. He joined Pen Bay after completing the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program at Yale University, where he studied the economics of acute care and alternative business models for health care delivery. Read more about Nir.

MaineHealth Innovation Clinical Coaches help drive the success of MaineHealth Innovation by providing clinical leadership and expertise as innovators work to solve unmet care needs. Learn more.

MaineHealth Innovation Services:

Through education, connections and funding, we are fostering a culture of innovation across the MaineHealth system to advance novel solutions that address unmet care needs.

MaineHealth Innovation Center Programs:

Innovation Cohort | Innovation Elective | Innovation Fund | Innovation Blender | Brewing Ideas Coffee Corner

Help us celebrate innovation!

Together, we are transforming care through innovation. Help us celebrate innovation and create a resource for sharing innovation across MaineHealth by submitting your innovation story to innovation_center@mainehealth.org!

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View previous Academic Affairs Newsletters here.

Academic Affairs | academicaffairs@mainehealth.org


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