Government Affairs Regulatory Changes & Guidance Updates


Regulatory Changes & Guidance Updates - November 29, 2021

MaineHealth Government Affairs’ Regulatory Changes & Guidance Updates is an internal

newsletter that will be distributed weekly including highlights, policy changes, and other

pertinent announcements from the state and federal governments. Please note that any formal

submissions to the state or federal government on behalf of MaineHealth are coordinated by the

Government Affairs Team. If you would like to submit comments or respond to any of the

announcements shared through these weekly updates, please email for guidance.

COVID-19 Regulatory Weekly Highlights



  • Governor Mills issued a statement about the omicron variant.
  • NH Governor Sununu issued Executive Order 2021-12 “An order to address current hospital capacity surge” 
  • The Maine CDC updated their COVID-19 FAQs
  • Maine DHHS sent out updated guidance on Visitation and Resident Rights in Nursing Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities for ICF/IIDs, and Adult Assisted Housing Providers. This guidance is to provide clarification between previous Maine guidance and updated CMS guidance released last week. 
  • MaineCare announced that effective 11/22/21 providers can submit vaccine and vaccine administration services for specific codes using a roster billing excel spreadsheet template instead of submitting individual claims. 

State & Federal Rulemaking

Please note, any formal comments on behalf of MaineHealth are coordinated through the Government Affairs Team – please reach out to if you have any questions about this

  • MaineCare issued an emergency rule effective 11/24/21 -  10-144 C.M.R., Chapter 101, MaineCare Benefits Manual, Chapter VII, Section 5, Estate Recovery
  • MaineCare proposed changes to rule 10-144 C.M.R., Chapter 101, MaineCare Benefits Manual, Chapter I, Section 1, General Administrative Policies and Procedures

State Programs & Announcements

  • Maine DHHS updated their FAQs on the Electronic Visit Verification System.

Federal Programs & Announcements

  • CMS released guidance on a new web portal effective Feb. 1 for submitting Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program state plan amendments (SPA) and section 1915 waivers. The portal will also apply to state directed payment arrangements, Medicaid managed care contracted rates and CHIP SPAs. The effort is part of an ongoing CMS initiative to speed and improve the review process.
  • CMS released 11 documents related to the agency’s regulations implementing the No Surprises Act. The documents include a template of the comprehensive good faith estimate, including model disclaimer language, and model language to be used to inform uninsured/self-pay patients of their rights to a good faith estimate and the patient-provider dispute resolution process. The documents can be downloaded here.

Know someone who would like to be added to this distribution list?

Email Emily Kovalesky at

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!


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