Former TUSM Dean, Harris A. Berman, MD, FACP

 ***Sent on Behalf of the Tufts University School of Medicine Leadership Team*** 


Dear TUSM Community, 


We write with the heartbreaking news that Harris A. Berman, MD, FACP, Dean Emeritus at Tufts University School of Medicine, passed away on Saturday, October 30, 2021, surrounded by his beloved family.  


For those who knew about Harris, he was a pioneer for co-founding the Matthew Thornton Health Plan in Nashua, NH, one of the first HMOs in New England. He had a deep commitment to global health stemming from his work as a Peace Corps Physician in India and continued that passion at Tufts where he spearheaded the expansion of the Global Health Program at TUSM, and grew the affiliation between Tufts and Christian Medical College in Vellore, South India. He served as Dean of Tufts University School of Medicine, Professor of Medicine, and Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine. Prior to that, he was Vice Dean of the Medical School, and Dean of Public Health and Professional Degree Programs and Chair of the Department of Public Health and Family Medicine. Of all his achievements, Harris was proudest his family. 


And for those of us who knew Harris well, he was an inspiring leader who was incredibly kind, generous, and humble. He showed the patience and trust of a doctor, with the optimism and support of a leader. He listened to and respected others' opinions and took great care in building meaningful relationships with all of his colleagues.  


As you read the tribute written by members of the Berman family, we ask that you keep his loved ones in your thoughts and prayers as our community grieves for this incredible loss.  


Lastly, in lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to the Harris A. Berman, MD and Ruth E. Nemzoff Endowed Fund at Tufts University School of Medicine, 136 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA, 02111. Gifts can also be made online at We will send information about funeral arrangements as soon as it becomes available. 





Helen W. Boucher MD FACP FIDSA 

Dean ad interim 

Professor of Medicine 

Tufts University School of Medicine 

Chief Academic Officer 

Wellforce Health System/Tufts Medical Center 


Scott K. Epstein, MD 

Dean for Educational Affairs 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Amy B. Kuhlik, MD 

Dean of Student Affairs, MD Program 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Thomas Malone 

Executive Associate Dean 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Joyce Sackey, MD 

Dean for Multicultural Affairs and Global Health 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Aviva Must, PhD 

Dean of Public Health and Professional Degree Programs 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Linden Hu, MD 

Vice Dean for Research 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Rebecca Scott 

Senior Director of Development and Alumni Engagement 

Tufts University School of Medicine 


Daniel Jay, Ph.D. 


Tufts University, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 


Maureen Collins, MPH 

Director of Communications & Marketing 

Tufts University School of Medicine  


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