THE GOODS - September 27, 2021

September 27, 2021 | Volume 5, Issue 4
Dear GSBS, 

I hope every is having a great start to the semester! Thank you to everyone who attended the activity fair last week. If you were unable to attend and are interested in joining a club, please reach out to your GSC Rep and they will be able to get you in touch with someone part of that organization.  

If there is a club or activity you are interested in starting on campus, please let us know. You can submit a budget request and roster of people interested in the club or activity, and we can help you get started. 
Finally, a reminder that The Goods is here as a summary of many events that could be individual emails, but we wanted to consolidate and make it easier for you all to stay up to date about what is happening around campus. So, be sure to check it out each week! 

Thank you,

GSC Exec Board 
Follow GSBS on Twitter!

GSBS now has a Twitter account! Follow us @TuftsGSBS, and send us anything you would like shared either by DM, or by email to Alex Israel.
Inclusion ≠ Equity: Empowering Indigenous Genomic Data Sovereignty in Precision Health
October 13 | 4pm

In honor of Indigenous Peoples' Day, The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences' Anti-Racist Working Group is pleased to host Krystal Tsosie. She will speak about her work on on ethical engagement with Indigenous communities in precision health.

Krystal Tsosie (Diné/Navajo Nation), MPH, MA, PhD candidate is an Indigenous geneticist-bioethicist at Vanderbilt University, incoming faculty at Arizona State University. She co-founded the Native BioData Consortium, a nonprofit research institute for advancing Indigenous genomic and data sovereignty.
2021 Earle P. Charlton Poster Competition (Virtual)
November 1, 2021 | Submission Deadline: October 1, 2021

The 2021 Charlton Poster Competition will take place November 1, 2021, virtually, on the Gather platform.

All GSBS, Medical, Dental, and Veterinary School MS, MD, MD/PhD, DMD, and DVM students are eligible to participate in the poster competition. The research presented must be the work of the student and completed during the student's enrollment at Tufts. The intent of this event is to give students an opportunity to exchange ideas with the Tufts and Boston scientific community, as well as develop presentation skills. The competition is divided into three groups:

  1. GSBS Junior Category: GSBS Basic Science PhD students in years 1-3, MD/PhD students in GSBS years 1-2, and GSBS MS students.
  2. GSBS Senior Category: GSBS Basic Science PhD students in years 4 and above, MD/PhD students in GSBS years 3 and above, and GSBS CTS PhD students.
  3. Professional Category: All MD, DMD, and DVM students and MD/PhD students in TUSM years 1 and 2.

In each group, there will awards for first place ($500), second place ($250), third place ($100), and fourth place ($50).

Submissions are due via the online form. For more information, see the full Call for Abstracts.
Reminder: Masks Required Indoors at All Times

We have received reports of students and others not following the masking requirements. People are unmasked for extended periods of time. Please note that masking is required indoors at all times except for brief periods when eating and drinking.
September 27
A Reckoning in Boston Screening and Discussion
Screening: 12 - 1:30pm | Director Talk and Q&A: 1:30 - 3pm

Join the Office of the Chief Diversity Officers, the Department of Political Science, the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Religion, and Tisch College for this documentary screening. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the filmmakers.
Kate Foley Dissertation Defense

The Graduate Program in Genetics invites you to Kate Foley's defense of her dissertation, Evaluating the interactions between aging, running, and APOEε4 on systemic and cerebral risk factors for dementia. See the flyer for more information.
Multicultural Fellows Council (MFC) Meeting
4 - 5pm
MedEd 316 (145 Harrison Avenue)

September's Spotlight presenters will be Lizzie Pagura and Lina Rebeiz. The topic title is “ Disability and Chronic Illness in Medicine: Patients and Providers”. Lizzie and Lina will share their own experiences with chronic illness/disability with an emphasis on medical trauma and the broader systems excluding chronically ill and disabled communities from participating in medicine, their own healthcare and society at large.

Food will be provided at the meeting. Please RSVP to Kim Burke at
September 28
Boston Student Flu Clinic
9am - 4pm | MedEd 114 (145 Harrison Avenue)

All GSBS students are required to receive an annual flu vaccine. The deadline to submit proof of the flu vaccine is November 15, 2021.

Walgreens will be holding a student flu vaccine clinic on the Boston campus at 145 Harrison Avenue, MedEd 114 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on September 28. In order to receive a vaccine, you will need to preregister for an appointment AND fill out the attached paperwork and bring a copy to your appointment.

Once vaccinated, obtain your documentation for your records. We will receive a copy from Walgreens.

If vaccinated elsewhere please be sure to send your documentation to, either as a black and white .pdf attachment (dark or imbedded images will not be accepted) or fax it to 617-636-2708 (note that clinical sites do not automatically forward your documentation). If you have questions, please email
September 29
BERD/QM&DS Seminar - I thought I knew what randomization was: procedures and interference
2 - 3pm

Randomization is the cornerstone of randomized trials, from small studies to online experiments at scale. In this talk, Ludovic Trinquart, PhD, Director of the Center for Clinical Trials at Tufts CTSI will review conventional and novel randomization procedures and provide practical guidance for their implementation.

Dr. Trinquart's research is focused on statistical methodologies for the design and analysis of clinical trials, meta-analysis, and risk prediction modeling. His ongoing research interests include innovative methods for clinical trials with censored endpoints and for adaptive designs. He leads investigations of lifetime risk of atrial fibrillation and its complications. He also develops novel methods for meta-analyses and network meta-analyses of clinical trials and observational studies.
September 30
Tufts Table - Cross-Race Talk: What is Required of Us?
4:30 - 6pm

Tufts Table is about establishing connections, sharing perspectives, and discussing significant issues. It is an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to gather to talk, think and reflect with one another.

Recognizing that the topic of Cross-Race Talk is more pertinent than ever, the Bridging Differences Initiative of the Office of the Provost and the Chief Diversity Officers hopes you will be able to participate as part of a continued effort to make our institution a more inclusive, just, and equitable place.
October 4
Judi Hollander Dissertation Defense
Behrakis Auditorium (150 Harrison Avenue)

The graduate program in Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology invites you to save the date for Judi Hollander's defense of her dissertation. More details, including a Zoom option, to follow.
October 14
11th Annual (Virtual) Tufts Neuroscience Symposium & William Shucart Lecture

The Neuroscience Symposium and Shucart Lecture will be held virtually this year! The event will feature a full day of educational talks and discussions featuring prominent speakers from around the country. The day concludes with a lecture that honors Dr. William Shucart, former professor and chair of Neurosurgery at Tufts University School of Medicine.

For more information and to register, see the website. Please contact the Symposium Director, Dr. Giuseppina Tesco ( or Shelley Antonio ( with any questions.
October 18
Tisch College Solomont Speaker Series & Tufts School of Medicine Common Book Keynote: Isabel Wilkerson, author of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Join Tisch College for a conversation with Pulitzer-Prize winning author Isabel Wilkerson about her New York Times bestselling book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, this year’s Common Book selection for the Tufts University School of Medicine. In Caste, Wilkerson explores how our lives are defined by unspoken systems of divisions, linking together case studies in America, India and Nazi Germany, and how those arbitrary hierarchies still divide us today.

This event is jointly hosted by the Tufts University School of Medicine’s Common Book Program and the Tisch College Solomont Speaker Series, and it is generously cosponsored by the Africana Center, the Political Science Department, the Office of the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora.
Recurring Events
Associate Dean Dan Volchok's Office Hours
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
MedEd 813

Associate Dean Dan Volchok will be in the office most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Students are welcome to make an appointment in advance by emailing, or just stop by!
Virtual Yoga and Meditation Classes
Thursdays | 4:30 - 5:30pm

The Student Advisory & Health Administration Office is offering Virtual Yoga & Meditation classes for all students on the Boston Campus. Please see the flyer for the fall semester schedule and class details. This class will be taught via Zoom; you will be sent the link prior to the first class on September 9th.

To sign up, click the link. When registering, students must complete and upload the Yoga Release Form within the Qualtrics sign-up survey.

Please contact Gianna Vroom if you have any questions.
GSBS Anti-racist Working Group - Open Meetings and Suggestions Document

The GSBS Anti-racist Working Group will be opening up its meetings to any member of the community who wishes to attend. Students, faculty, staff, and postdocs are invited to stop by and share their suggestions, comments, and feedback. Watch this space for meeting details.

If you can't attend a meeting, or would prefer to make suggestions in a different format, the group has a Google Doc of proposed topics, initiatives, and action items. Members of the GSBS community members are free to look at the doc and add their own suggestions.
Tufts Green Fund Applications are Now Open!
Deadline: October 1, 2021

Looking for a way to improve sustainability on campus? The Green Fund provides an opportunity for students, faculty and staff from across Tufts' campuses to receive funding for sustainability-related projects at the university. Submit a proposal for up to $40,000 for studies or projects to take place in the upcoming academic year. There will be three Zoom information sessions on 9/10 at 3 pm, 9/13 at 1 pm, and 9/22 at 6 pm, and are open to all members of the Tufts community. Please use this Linktree to RSVP to a session you want to attend. Applicants should expect to manage the project implementation. Please submit your idea online by October 1 at 11:59 pm. To learn more about the Green Fund and projects supported in the past, please visit or contact
20% Beverage Discount at Jonquils Café and Bakery
Now through October 31, 2021

Tufts GWiSE and Jonquils Café and Bakery are pleased to offer a 20% discount on beverages to all Tufts students through the end of October! Stop by Jonquils (125 Newbury Street) with your Tufts ID Monday through Thursday to receive the discount. For more information, see the flyer.
21st Annual New England Science Symposium 
Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30, 2022 | Abstracts Due January 14, 2022

On behalf of the Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership and the Biomedical Science Careers Program (BSCP), we are pleased to invite students involved in biomedical or health-related scientific research to submit their research projects to the 21st annual New England Science Symposium (NESS). For more information, see the program flyer.
Reminder: Medical Education Building is Nut Free

We want to remind you that we have a number of students in the medical school with very severe peanut and tree nut allergies with reactions that include anaphylaxis. We have worked to eliminate peanuts and tree nuts from all of our catered meals and snacks but need your assistance and awareness to make things as safe as possible.

We are asking that all community members avoid bringing nut products into the Med Ed Building. When you bring in outside food, please be cognizant that there are students with allergies to nuts and nut products and plan accordingly.  We know that this adjustment may be difficult for some of you but hope to keep things as safe as possible for everyone on campus!
Wang YMCA Information and Rates 2021-2022

Tufts University has partnered with the Wang YMCA to offer Dental, Medical, Nutrition, Public Health, Physician Assistant and Biomedical Sciences students discounted membership rates. Please see the flyer for details regarding 2021-2022 rates.
The Wang YMCA staff created a plan to ensure the health and safety of all members, please make sure to review the new procedures prior to attending the Wang Y.
New Membership Process
  • Student Verification Forms are required for Boston Health Sciences students that are not currently a member at the Wang Y.
  • Student Verification Forms can be obtained by emailing
New members must set up an online account. Once your account is created, please call 617-426-2237 or go into the YMCA to speak with someone so your discount can be applied.
Your Wang YMCA Metro membership entitles you to use any of the 13 branches listed on the rate flyer. More information can be found here.
This Week's Open Workshop

This week's Open Workshop is on JumboSearch (our library catalog) and accessing full-text articles. Please register for the workshop on Tuesday (9/28) at 12pm via Zoom at this link!
Data Carpentry Workshop for PhD Students & Post Docs

The Hirsh Health Sciences Library will be hosting another Data Carpentry Workshop on skills needed to conduct research for all learners, including those with little to no prior experience. Participants will learn about spreadsheet organization, OpenRefine, and R/R Studio and do not need to have prior experience with these tools! This workshop will be spread out between three days from October 19-21. For more information about the workshop and how to register, please see this website or contact your liaison librarian, Andrea.
Hirsh Library Office Hours for GSBS Students

11am - 12pm

1pm - 2pm

Those who wish to attend office hours in person should go to the Library Service Desk on the 4th floor of MedEd. Those who wish to join via Zoom should see this invite.
Career Coaching Workshop and Meetings with Sarah Cardozo Duncan

One component of our Career Services is the opportunity to meet with our career strategist for both career and job search advice. Sarah Cardozo Duncan is a career strategist with a concentration in STEM careers and is the career coach in residence for GSBS and the Tufts Postdoc community. She has been instrumental in aiding in careers and job searches for Tufts trainees since 2017.

Sarah will again be available for the 2021-22 academic year. She will be offering a career development workshop at the beginning of the Spring semester - more details to come - as well as one-on-one career coaching sessions throughout the terms. Priority for one-on-one meetings will be given to those who have attended a career workshop in the past. All meetings will be via Zoom.

Fall one-on-one sessions will take place on October 4, November 8, November 29 and December 13. Email to set up a one-on-one session.
Announcing the 2021 Harvard GSAS Biotech Club Virtual Career Fair!
October 14-15 | 11am - 6pm

Open to all in Boston and Cambridge educational institutions seeking jobs in various science-related sectors! This event places specific emphasis on assisting graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows connect with recruiters and find jobs!

Panel discussions will cover careers beyond academia, diversity in biotech, and how company culture affects your job search. The event will also include company presentations by organizations such as Finnegan and Clark+Elbing.

To learn more, visit the website.
Apply to Nucleate’s Activator program today!
Deadline: November 11, 2021

Nucleate is a student-run entrepreneurship program that facilitates the formation of new life science ventures. We tackle some of the biggest challenges in human health and sustainability. Nucleate operates in partnership with other student biotech groups.

Over three years, Nucleate has formed and supported 29 companies through our Activator model. Alumni have gone on to raise over $24M in funding to develop both technologies like protein sequencing (Glyphic) and drug design (Manifold Bio) targeting human health, as well as plastic degradation (Eat PET) and biomanufacturing (FarmForward) targeting sustainability.

To learn more or to apply, visit the website.
The Scripps Research Fellows Program Is Accepting Applications

The Scripps Research Fellows Program seeks scientists of exceptional promise and creativity who have recently completed their PhD in chemistry or biology, or spent less than a year working as a research associate in the biomedical sciences.

Scripps Research Fellows receive salary support for themselves and two co-workers for three years. As a Fellow, they have Principal Investigator status and apply for external grants, while working closely with a faculty sponsor who shares laboratory space and equipment. Successful Fellows frequently gain promotion to tenure-track faculty.

For more information, see the website.
HRiA is Hiring a Grants Officer

HRiA is seeking a recent life sciences M.A., Ph.D., or current postdoc for an exciting position in biomedical research grantmaking to join our biomedical research grantmaking division. We also have short term consulting positions available in this area. This is a great opportunity for an aspiring researcher who wants to learn more about grant funding from the funder perspective, or for someone interested in exploring an alternative career in biomedical research. For more information, click here or email Kim Lezak, PhD.
Postdoctoral or Research Associate positions to work on proteostasis, aging, microbiome, lens development and aging in the Lab for Nutrition and Vision Research (Allen Taylor) at HNRCA

The Lab for Nutrition and Vision Research at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (JM-USDA HNRCA) at Tufts University, Boston, is seeking outstanding candidates with a recent PhD in Biochemistry or a related discipline to work on one of the following funded projects:

  • Discovering novel stress-induced ubiquitin and autophagy enzyme interactions in response to glycative stress. 
  • Regulatory mechanisms of eye lens differentiation,  
  • Elucidate interactions between dietary glycemia, metabolomics, microbiome, AMD, cataract, aging in animal studies and/or human populations, including planning randomized intervention studies.

Click here for additional information, including application instructions. For specific position descriptions, see the flyers.

Have you ever self-diagnosed or been told you have imposter syndrome? A recent article in the Harvard Business review examines the origins of imposter syndrome and why it exists in the workplace. The authors describe a framework of racism and implicit bias that exacerbate feelings of inadequacy in women and people of color (POC). They argue we should stop telling women and POC they have imposter syndrome.
Want your event or announcement in The Goods? Email by 10am on Friday.


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