This fall's community breath and movement and online yoga schedule - message from Lucy

Hello everyone - our fall community schedule will be most Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and Sunday mornings in September, all on the same zoom video line. Join at any time, and feel free to invite a friend or family member to practice with you. Please check weekly on this blog for the schedule.

Tuesday and Thursday mornings will remain 30 min, starting promptly at 8:00am. Sunday will be a 60 min vinyasa flow class starting promptly at 9:00am. On Sundays, I will be concurrently teaching a few students in the studio, so the video will be set on mute microphones upon entry. No one except me will have a view of the zoom camera, and as always, you can turn off your camera to practice. Hope to see you at one of our sessions. Everyone is welcome to tune into the zoom sessions - try it out!

Tuesday August 31st, 30 min breath and movement

Community class on zoom


We will focus on intentional breathing coupled with movements that get your day started with self awareness and energy!

Thursday September 2nd, 30 min breath and movement

Community class on zoom


Thursday morning sessions will be gentler on hands and wrists, so little to no time spent in plank or downward dog. Plenty of movements to build strength and resilience!

Sunday September 5th, 60 min vinyasa flow (Sundays in September)

Community class on zoom


I will be teaching in-studio and sending the class out to zoom. Just arrive with your mat and any props (blocks can be helpful), and join in the practice!

I teach four in-studio classes a week, so feel free to reach out if you'd like more information. One is the Sunday morning class in Portland (9:00am), and I teach a Sunday yin yoga class (5:30pm) in West Falmouth. Monday afternoons I teach a 60 min core fusion class in Portland (5:30pm), and Saturday mornings (7:30am) I lead a fundamental vinyasa flow in South Portland.

Keep moving, and give equal time to a practice of stillness and rest!


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