MMC Institute for Teaching Excellence upcoming events



10th Annual Faculty Development Conference
 Wednesday, September 22, 2021 
8:00am – 4:00pm 
7:30am Registration & Announcements 
Guest Speakers 
Linda Chaudron, MD, MS 
Incoming Vice President, Medical Education 
Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP 
Senior Vice President, Milestone Development and Evaluation, Accreditation for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 


Best Practices in Manuscript Peer Review
September 13, 2021 – November 21, 2021 | Online 

Course Leaders 
 Robert Bing-You, MD, MEd, MBA 
 Wendy Craig, PhD 
 Vicki Hayes, MD 

Learning Objectives 
1. Explain the role of peer reviews in biomedical journals 
2. Describe best practices for peer reviewing manuscripts 
3. Apply available Health Research Reporting Guidelines (i.e., EQUATOR network) in the critique of manuscript examples. 

4. Discuss the current challenges in peer reviewing, and review an actual manuscript just submitted to the Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 
To register for the course email Kelley-Anne Clisham, 

Clinical Teaching Certificate
Self-paced, up to 2 years to complete | Online 

The MITE Clinical Teaching Certificate is delivered online with MMC’s Canvas© Learning Management System. The certificate is intended for educators in the clinical setting, regardless of background, type and/or level of learner. The curriculum consists of 9 required modules led by a subject matter expert in the MMC Department of Medical Education. There is no cost associated with enrolling into the certificate. 
For more information click here. 

 Presentation Skills (Vicki Hayes, MD) 
 Learning Climate (Bob Trowbridge, MD) 
 Setting Goals & Expectations (Bob Bing-You, MD, MEd, MBA) 
 Teaching & Assessing Competencies (Carl Germann, MD, MHPE) 
 Time Efficient Teaching (Bob Trowbridge, MD) 
 Feedback (Bob Bing-You, MD, MEd, MBA) 
 Small Group Teaching (Tom Van der Kloot, MD) 
 Teaching Adult Learners (Kalli Varaklis, MD, MSEd) 
 Final Teaching Portfolio (Tania Strout, PhD, RN, MS) 
1 – 3 hour sessions | Hybrid 

Seminars to Go

MITE Seminars-to-Go is an interprofessional faculty development opportunity for individuals and healthcare teams to select specific educational topics of interest. This seminar series was created because a faculty development system should include a variety of program offerings to suit the needs of busy clinicians. Seminars will last between 1 and 3 hours and promote a high level of interactivity. To access click here. 

 Giving feedback to learners: easy right? 

 How to teach in our busy clinical world? 
 Time to take teaching back to the patient’s side 
 Creating a fantastic climate for learning 
 What’s so hard about teaching adults of all ages? 
 Making group learning a motivating & fun experience 

Health Disparities, Social Justice & Cultural Humility
This curriculum introduces important concepts and terms related to health disparities, cultural humility and social justice necessary for health care providers today. We hope to generate curiosity, self-reflection and cognitive dissonance which will lead you to set goals for yourself as a lifelong learner. Content includes learning materials in video, audio and written formats. 
Link | No Sign-in Required 

Mentoring Guide
This curriculum spans 7 topics across the spectrums of mentorship. These topics include short introductory videos (<5 minutes), relevant literature, online resources and infographics. It is our hope that this resource will serve as a helpful tool in your development as a mentor. 
Link | No Sign-in Required 
Online Resources  


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