MMCRI Masking and Visitor Guidance FAQs

 MMCRI Masking and Visitor Guidance FAQs


Q. Do I need to wear a mask in the hallways and in other common areas if I have a vaccination sticker?

A. Yes, MaineHealth is asking that we continue to mask in common spaces such as hallways, stairwells and elevators.


Q: When will we be getting stickers?

A:HR is actively working on distributing them; hopefully we will receive them this week.


Q:How will stickers be distributed?

A:It will depend on how they are distributed to us (all together or individually distributed to managers). Once we have them, we will get them out to staff as quickly as we can.


Q. Can I take my mask off while working in the lab?

A.Yes, anyone that has a sticker is welcome to work in the lab without a mask. If you do not have a sticker, you need to continue to wear your mask and stay at least 6 feet from other members of the team.


Q. Do I need to wear a mask if my office space is a cubicle located in a room where other staff members also sit in cubicles? 

A. If you have a vaccine sticker, you may remove your mask while working in your cubicle.  



Q: Will masking continue in Animal Facility?

A: If you have a vaccine sticker, you will be allowed to unmask when in a mouse or procedure room. Masks need to continue to be worn in the hallways of the Animal Facility.


Q: Are there limits on how many people can gather outside?

A: The capacity limits on outside gatherings has been lifted. Those with a vaccine sticker can attend an outside gathering unmasked. Those without a sticker need to continue to wear a mask and distance from others.


Q: How do I get on the list to get a sticker if I received my vaccine outside of MaineHealth

A: If you received the Covid-19 vaccine at a non-MaineHealth facility, please email a copy of your vaccination card to Employee Health at to receive a sticker.


Q: Do visitors/vendors need to wear a mask?

A: All visitors, including vendors, need to mask and maintain 6-foot distancing from others.


Q: Do I need to continue to do the daily health screener?

A: Yes, please complete the daily health screener and continue to send it to your manager before entering any MaineHealth building. 



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