Community breath and movement and yoga sessions this week, and in-person yoga, anyone?

Make time for yourself this week. Tending to your body and mind can be as simple as setting aside 30 minutes in the morning to breathe and move, and commit to being there for yourself.

All open community zoom sessions here:

All are welcome, so bring a friend...

Tuesday June 1st, 8:00am-8:30am
30 minute breath and movement with Lucy
Bring blocks if you have them, and have a blanket or towel handy if you need padding for under your knees. We will work on twists today - great way to provide healthy compression to your organs and stimulate blood flow.

Thursday June 3rd, 8:00am-8:30am
30 minute breath and movement with Lucy
Gentle hands free class; suitable for recovering from wrist or shoulder sensitivity. This means no planks or downward facing dog movements.

Saturday June 5th, 8-9am
60 minute yin yoga session
Perfect balance to all of the yang in our lives. Bring blocks if you have them, pillows/cushions, and a couple of blankets. Yin yoga is a style that targets connective tissues of the body and not muscles. In a typical practice, we will be moving into shapes that are supported by props or the ground, and then breathing for 2-3 minutes in the shape. This practice cultivates opening of the body, patience and stillness in the body and mind, and provides release of constrictions or stagnation. A perfect complement to vinyasa flow yoga!

Note: If you would like to participate in live, in-person yoga sessions, please let Lucy and Lisbeth know. Now that we are vaccinated and there are opportunities to be outdoors, we are open to more possibilities to bring yoga to you!

Lisbeth -
Lucy -

Monday June 7th, 5:30-6:30pm
Creating Space Yoga in studio class
Yoga Core Fusion with Lucy
 Yoga Core Fusion blends traditional Vinyasa poses with strength training moves excellent for building core stability. Breath work will be incorporated as part of the flow. This class will have a focus on abdominal strengthening and balance sequences. Excellent for toning and improving cardiovascular health. 


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