May is mental health awareness month

Please contact Laura Robbins with questions:

Laura Robbins, CHES, CWWS | Health & Wellbeing Manager 
MaineHealth | Human Resources
229 Vaughan St., Portland, ME 04102
Office: (207) 661-7552 | Fax: (207) 662-6753

Everyone faces challenges in their life that can impact their mental health. Like all parts of our physical health, our emotional and intellectual spheres make up our mental health and also require regular check-ups. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and perfect time to strengthen our efforts on prevention, awareness and taking action.  This has been a difficult and uncertain year, balancing work demands and self-care has been challenging for many. This pandemic has exceled rates of excessive stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance use, now more than ever is the time to reduce mental health stigma, which is often what gets in the way of individuals seeking help. It is critical for us to normalize mental health to begin the healing process from long-lasting impacts of the pandemic.

Please join MaineHealth Works on Wellness (WOW!) in partnership with Health Advocate - Employee Assistance Program and NAMI Maine this month for multiple live learning sessions that feature: building resiliency, exploring resources to support our emotional and mental well-being, identify how to cope with challenges, recognize when you or a loved one needs support and resources to address emotional & physical burnout.  Visit the WOW! website for additional information. 
Upcoming Live Learning Opportunities: 
5/6/21 and 5/13/21 at 10:15am and 4:15pm 
Let’s Talk about Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being
The challenges of the past year have intensified the usual stress, anxiety and similar feelings that many of us face on a regular basis. Recognizing when we need extra support is critical to getting ahead of these feeling before they become overwhelming. An increasing number of organizations are offering additional benefits and resources to support employees’ emotional and mental well-being, so it is important to know how to access them. Join us for this discussion to understand how to identify and cope with these challenges and how to seek help when needed.
5/6/21 Registration Links: 10:15 am (ET)  |  4:15 pm (ET)
5/13/21 Registration Links: 10:15 am (ET)  |  4:15 pm (ET)
5/10/21, Noon 
Navigating the MaineHealth Employee Assistance Program Health Advocate 

The Health Advocate Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free and confidential program that supports a range of work/life challenges from stress, anxiety, relationship issues, grief, loss, financial/legal services, etc. designed to help you during challenging times. During this session we will discuss how to access free counseling sessions, discover helpful tools and resources that are available all MaineHealth Care Team Members and family members to support a healthy life balance. Join this session to learn how to get the most out of your EAP benefit.
Click here to register
5/17/21, Noon 
Throwing a Lifeline: Managing Emotional and Mental Health 

As the challenges of this unique year continue, many of us are experiencing higher levels of stress, uncertainty and anxiety. Everyone is doing the best they can, but some people may be struggling to maintain strong mental or emotional health. Recognizing when you or a loved one needs support is the first step to connect with helpful resources that can strengthen mental and emotional health. It is equally important that we all work together to normalize reaching out for help and destigmatize seeking mental health support. Strategies to manage our emotional and mental health and identify resources to help when we need extra support are discussed in this webinar.
Click here to register
5/19/21, 6pm 
Building Hope for a Post-pandemic Future; Balancing Self-care and Mental Wellbeing 

This has been a difficult and uncertain year and balancing work demands and self-care has rarely been more challenging.  This presentation will focus on hope and resilience as we envision life after the pandemic.
Click here to register 
5/20/21 & 5/27/21, 10:15am and 4:15pm 
Caregivers: Avoiding Burnout and Coping with Compassion Fatigue 

Family issues, work stress and a constant stream of news, and our work/life balance is anything but balanced. This can lead to fatigue about the current situation, as well as uncertainty about how to move forward. In this webinar, we address the signs & symptoms to look for, the impact on ourselves & others, tips on how to stay connected with others, resources to address emotional & physical burnout.
5/20/21 Registration Links: 10:15 am (ET)  |  4:15 pm (ET)
5/27/21 Registration Links: 10:15 am (ET)  |  4:15 pm (ET)
Mental Wellbeing Resources: 
  • Recharge, Refresh and Improve Your Mood with myStrength app by Anthem
    Its time you felt your best again, check out this free online and mobile program designed to support your emotional health and wellbeing with tools to help with: addiction, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, sleep and stress. Visit to get started today. Free for all MaineHealth Care Team Members and their family.  
  • Counseling and Support
    Get help with six free confidential counseling sessions from the HealthAdvocate Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Free services are available to all MaineHealth employees and family members. 
  • Emotional Wellbeing Tools
    Learn the basics of emotional intelligence, mindfulness and yoga with Whil and Journey programs available through Virgin Pulse. 
  • WOW! Self-Care and Mindfulness Webinars and Videos
    Watch pre-recorded webinars or videos on topics related to stress and emotional health. 
  • Refresh from Stress
    Engage in simple steps to enhance your emotional health and relieve stress with powerful stress reduction resources found here.  
  • Weekly Free Drop In Meditation
    Don’t forget about the awesome free WOW! drop in guided mid-week Mindfulness session, every Wednesday at Noon.  All are welcome, no need to register, no prior experience necessary. Click here for additional information. 
  • Read how exercise and moving your body can protect your mental health - The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise Article 
  • Emotional Wellbeing Self Assessments 
    Are you concerned about depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues? The more you know, the better you can help prepare yourself, click here to explore emotional wellbeing health assessments.
Reach Out for Help
If you or a loved one feels overwhelmed with sadness, depression or anxiety, or if you have thoughts about harming yourself or others call 911.  Other resources at your fingertips include: 
  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline: free, 24/7 support by calling 800-985-5990 or text "TalkWithUs" to 66746
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) 24/7
  • Text Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) at 741741 to talk to a Crisis Text Line counselor
  • HealthAdvocate Employee Assistance Program - 866-799-2485 or visit (Enter: “MaineHealth”)
  • 24/7 Statewide Crisis Line 888-568-1112
  • 24/7 Peer Support Warm line 866-771-9276
  • Maine Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline 866-83-4HELP (866-843-4357)
  • Teen Text Support Line 207-515-8398 (TEXT)
  • 211 and
  • Free, confidential Frontline Warmline for health care workers and first responders: support 8am-8pm 7 days a week call 207-221-8196.
Register for the free NAMI Maine Virtual Adult or Youth Mental Health First Aid Course(hyperlink -
Mental Health First Aid is a national best-practice, evidenced-based certification course that is 8 hours in length and leads to a 3 year certification issued by the National Council on Behavioral Health. Virtual Mental Health First Aid leads to the same certification. However, the training consists of 2 hours of self-guided pre-coursework, completed online, followed by a 5-6 hour Zoom group training. Pre-coursework and Zoom link will be emailed to participants prior to training.  Visit the NAMI Maine webpage to view upcoming training dates.


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