Gratitude for Vaccine Clinic Volunteers - message from Liz Jacobs

I got my second dose of Moderna on Saturday, delivered by our very own Tania Strout! It was fantastic to be in person with her, as I had never met her in person before. I am so grateful to her for giving up her Saturday to make sure I and others get immunized.... and the fact that her delivery was painless. She commented that she had A LOT of practice. I know many of you are making time to volnteer, and I want to thank you. This year has been exhasuting and its hard to think about doing one more thing on top of all you are doing to keep your personal and professional lives going under these challenging circumistances. Here is the fun part of it, though--you get to be around a lot of people and interact with them in person, you get to meet new colleagues, and you get to be a part of bringing this pandemic to an end.


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