Update on Outbreak Investigation Testing, Exposures at MMC

 ***Sent on behalf of Jeff Sanders, President, Maine Medical Center, and Joel Botler, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Maine Medical Center and President, Maine Medical Partners***

Dear Colleagues,

Beginning tomorrow, Dec. 1, MMC will offer voluntary outbreak investigation testing to all colleagues who work at the 22 Bramhall campus. This scope of this testing (previously communicated as “surveillance testing”) is above and beyond CDC guidelines, but we believe it is prudent to test more broadly across the organization at this time. Details of outbreak investigation testing:

  • Testing Location: Dana Center Lobby and Rooms 1-4
  • Testing Dates: Tuesday, Dec. 1 through Sunday, Dec. 6 
  • Hours: 6 AM to 7:30 PM
  • Eligibility: All colleagues who work at 22 Bramhall. Colleagues who are working from home or are transitioning to work from home status this week do not need to be tested.
  • Test Provider and Turnaround time: NorDx PCR test requiring 72 hours for results
  • Results: All tests will be part of your confidential medical record. Results will be pushed to MyChart. All positive cases will receive a call. Colleagues who test positive will be removed from work, given quarantine pay (no use of PTO) and placed in quarantine as determined by Employee Health. 
  • Test Schedule: Testing will occur by block assignment. Department directors will receive calendar appointments today for at least two blocks for testing (more depending on department size). Your leaders will share those block times with you and make arrangements for those who wish to be tested. NorDx is limited to conducting only about 1,000 tests a day for MMC-wide testing, so it is important that colleagues adhere to the block schedule as much as possible.


Update on exposures at MMC

MMC has reported to the CDC that the outbreak associated with the cardiothoracic intensive care unit, R1 and CTOR/Periop now has 27 positive colleagues and five positive patients associated with it. Admissions to this unit remain reserved for urgent or emergent cases only.

MMC reported late Saturday to the Maine CDC that it has two additional outbreaks in the following units:

  • R2 (2 patients, 2 colleagues) 
  • Bean 5 (3 patients, 4 colleagues)


All colleagues and patients on these units are receiving contact exposure testing that begins on Monday. 

Additionally, we are conducting contact exposure testing for all colleagues on P6 following a single exposure on that unit. All contact exposure tests will be processed by NorDx with a turnaround time of 24 hours.

We have restricted routine visitation to the following units until further notice: CTICU, R1, R2, and Bean 5. We are also adjusting admission criteria to some of these units in consultation with the CDC.

All care team members need to redouble efforts to comply with all safety precautions, including but not limited to universal masking, eye protection during patient encounters and social distancing whenever possible. For the safety of our patients and all colleagues, we must ensure compliance with these standards.  

Thank you for all that you are doing for our community.  Let’s all stay safe and healthy.  


Jeff Sanders


Maine Medical Center

Joel Botler, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Maine Medical Center

President, Maine Medical Partners


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