MMC eNews from Jeff Sanders, 9-24-20



Dear Colleagues,


I’d like to invite you to join me and other senior leaders for a series of virtual town halls beginning next week.


While meeting face-to-face is preferable, following protocols to keep us all safe and healthy means we’ll be running these town halls as a Zoom Webinar. Login in details are below. Please note attendance will be limited to the first 500 individuals per webinar.


Among the topics I plan to discuss are our continued efforts around COVID-19, our recent Joint Commission Survey, our soon-to-be released three-year Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan, our current finances and more. We will save ample time for live audience Q&A. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please do so at and we will answer it during the next available town hall.


This has been an extraordinary year, and our successes have come thanks to the hard work of our amazing care team. Thank you all for your continued dedication to our mission, vision and values. I look forward to meeting with you next week to celebrate this work and look ahead.


Here is the town hall information:


Monday, Sept. 28, 3 p.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 971 5464 1347

Webinar call in:  (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


Tuesday, Sept. 29, 7:45 a.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 988 7612 8454

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


Wednesday, Sept. 30, 9 p.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 950 5067 4770

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


Friday, October 9, 12:30 p.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 927 0357 3375

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


(Please note, each session will be recorded so we can make one available to all care team members who were unable to attend following the town hall series.)



Jeffrey D. Sanders
Maine Medical Center


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