MMC eNews 9-28-20




September 28, 2020


Reminder: Virtual Town Halls Begin Today


Beginning today, all colleagues are invited to attend virtual Town Hall sessions with MMC President Jeff Sanders. During these hour-long events via Zoom, topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to: continued efforts around COVID-19, the recent Joint Commission Survey, the soon-to-be released three-year Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan and current finances.


If you would like to submit a question in advance, please do so at and we will answer it during the next available town hall.


Monday, Sept. 28, 3 p.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 971 5464 1347

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


Tuesday, Sept. 29, 7:45 a.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 988 7612 8454

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


Wednesday, Sept. 30, 9 p.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 950 5067 4770

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


Friday, October 9, 12:30 p.m.

Webinar link:

Webinar ID: 927 0357 3375

Webinar call in: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799


MMC News

COVID-19 News

·        Weekly Construction Update

·        Congratulations to the First United Way Raffle Winners!

·        Way2Go Maine Begins This Week!

·        Ignite Fund Applications Now Open to Innovators

·        Virtual Brown Bag Lunch: Addressing Food Insecurity in Maine

·        American Medical Association “Reimagining Residency” Grant Updates

·        COVID-19 Population Update


Click here for all MMC News, including past eNews stories and a calendar of events.


Weekly Construction Update


Congress Street Enabling:

·         Demolition of the Gillman Garage continues (100% complete) - Continued work to clean up the debris from the site. 

·         Retaining wall supports and reinforcement continues.

·         Congress and Valley sidewalks and traffic light rework continues. Flaggers will be assisting with traffic flow. Anticipated completion mid-October


Scarborough Medical Office:

·         Building enclosure work ongoing. Brick starting at rear of building.

·         Interior fit out beginning with framing and electrical work on third floor 

·         Ongoing trucking and deliveries on Campus Drive. 



Congratulations to the First United Way Raffle Winners!


A big congratulations to Julie Hatch and Dr. Rebecca Hunt, our week one MaineHealth United Way raffle winners. Julie won an iPad and Rebecca won an Apple Watch.


It’s not too late to enter the raffle. Just click the United Way icon on your desktop and donate to our campaign now, and you’ll be automatically entered into the weekly raffle. The sooner you donate, the more chances you have to win.




Way2Go Maine Begins This Week!


Though commuting may look different this year, GO MAINE is encouraging all Mainers to use green alternative commutes during the 2020 Way 2 GO MAINEemployer challenge. The event is a way to encourage and reward Mainers to use green alternative commutes, like: carpooling, transit, walking, or cycling. Once again, MMC is a participating employer this year. Join us in this friendly competition with other Maine organizations!

Throughout the month of October, log all of your green trips - whether it’s a walk down the hall to your home office, a bike ride or a household carpool. Once commuters collectively log 1,000 green trips, GO MAINE will donate $500 to support Maine hunger relief.


Sign up at and start recording your green commutes; feel free to contribute on social media using #Way2GOMAINE (we could win the “team spirit” award)!



Ignite Fund Applications Now Open to Innovators


The MaineHealth Innovation Center is awarding seed funds to help care team members develop solutions to unmet needs in our healthcare system. Innovations supported by the Ignite Fund may include – but are not limited to – a new care team model, a novel service, a new tool or technique or a potential product or therapeutic. Applications will be assessed based on the innovation’s demonstrated need, feasibility of use and creation of efficiencies or revenue for the organization.


Interested candidates should complete the online Ignite Fund application. All members of the MaineHealth community are encouraged to apply regardless of their position in the organization. Applications are open and will be reviewed on a rolling basis until Thursday, October 15.


The Innovation Center is holding Zoom informational sessions on Wednesday, September 30 from 7 - 7:30 a.m. and Tuesday, October 6 from 3 - 3:30 p.m. 


Contact the Innovation Center for more information.



Virtual Brown Bag Lunch: Addressing Food Insecurity in Maine


Tuesday, Oct. 6

12 – 1 p.m.


Hunger impacts one in five Maine children and 14% of Maine adults – and that was before the pandemic. Join us for a virtual brown bag lunch as Dr. Dora Anne Mills, MaineHealth Chief Health Improvement Officer, talks with the Good Shepherd Food Bank’s CEO, Kristen Miale, about efforts underway to address food insecurity in Maine and what individuals can do to help. 


Register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom webinar. This event is brought to you by MaineHealth’s United Way Campaign Team.


Questions? Eisha Khan



American Medical Association “Reimagining Residency” Grant Updates 

In June of 2019, Maine Medical Center was awarded a five-year, $2 million, “Reimagining Residency” grant from the American Medical Association, aimed at transforming the training of residents. The focus of MMC’s grant is to redesign clinical learning environments to ensure that all residents in our GME programs are prepared for interprofessional practice. 

MMC has designed our Reimagining Residency project, “iPACE Across, Out and Over, to adapt and implement the core principles of our Interprofessional Partnership to Advance Care and Education (iPACE™) pilot in diverse care settings, specialties and institutions over the coming four years. 


In the upcoming year, the team plans to: 

·         Launch iPACE™ model in the pediatrics inpatient setting

·         Re-launch internal medicine iPACE™ on a new unit and expand to other internal medicine units

·         Expand the iPACE™ model in two family medicine outpatient clinics

·         Design faculty development CME on “Providing High Quality Feedback”

·         Develop curriculum involving medical students and key interprofessional faculty to create a fourth year IPE medical school elective.

To learn more or initiate a collaboration, click here or contact us at



COVID-19 News


COVID-19 Population Update (all data as of 9/25):


         Number of admitted MMC COVID-19 positive patients – 1

         Number of Maine positive patients (CDC) – 5,235




You Are Making a Difference!

Total COVID-19 Discharges: 206

COVID-19 Discharges Since Last Update: 2

Thank you for all you do.


  1. medical centre fitout<a href="</a


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