Free JAX online mini courses


Free of charge and designed to meet the needs of graduate and post-doctoral students, research assistants, advanced undergraduate students, and animal care technicians.

The JAX MiniCourses and Certificates offers access to online learning modules based on the live lectures JAX delivers each year in our Courses and Workshops. These modules enable learners to engage online at any time and at their own pace, search for specific content, document progress through digital badges, and bundle courses into certificates to demonstrate a deeper knowledge of key topics.
Online MiniCourse content is reviewed by JAX scientists and educators and serves as foundational content related to the research areas in which The Jackson Laboratory has earned a reputation for scientific leadership and excellence. Topics include:
  • NEW: Sizing Mouse Colonies
  • Common Laboratory Mouse Strains: A Beginner’s Guide
  • Beyond Genes: Epigenetics, Environment & Health
  • Basics of CRISPR/Cas9
  • Basics of Mouse Genetics
  • Cre-lox Technology in Mouse Modeling
  • ...and more!
While JAX is not an accredited higher education institution, it offers a variety of educational programs — including non-credit bearing MiniCourses and Certificates — designed to educate current and future scientists and to provide critical resources, data, tools, and services to researchers worldwide.


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