USM intern presentations next Friday May 1st, 2:00pm-4:30pm

Hello everyone,

Despite the halt in lab work, our MMCRI undergraduate interns from University of Southern Maine have been working hard to finish strong!  

Next Friday, May, 1st, they will be presenting their research via zoom video, starting at 2:00pm. The schedule is below. Please feel free to join when you can to help support our interns! They have done outstanding work this year. To come and go, please just remember to mute your microphone for the duration of your attendance. We will be using the chat box for Q&A, and we invite you to use this option.

Topic: USM intern presentations
Time: May 1, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

2:00-2:15- Anastasia D’Amico, Reagan Lab
2:15-2:30- Sophia Blanchard, Brown Lab
2:30-2:45- Jake Angelico, Vector Borne Lab
2:45-3:00- Mikayla Long, Vector Borne Lab
3:00-3:15- Connor Scanell, Lindner Lab
3:15-3:30- Rajan Dhakal, Guntur Lab
3:30-3:45- Marina Eneeva, Prudovsky Lab
3:45-4:00- Victoria Zucco, Prudovsky Lab
4:00-4:15- Chris Parlett, Ryzhov Lab
4:15-4:30- Andrew Muca, Ryzhov Lab


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