News and Views from the NNE-CTR from Cliff Rosen

Although the hospital (particularly the ER) is under seige with more patients than they can handle and not enough supplies for Covid-19 testing, research is alive and well at MMCRI. Our Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research Network (NNE-CTR) decided to send out a request for proposals to study in real time the epidemic of the Covid-19 virus, its biology, its epidemiology in Maine, its impact on the young and elderly, and its effects on the MaineHealth system. We were skeptical that we would get responses, but in fact we now have 5 proposals that we will review in depth starting Tuesday. We hope to provide resources to conduct at least 2 and maybe 3 projects during the next few months. If anyone else at MMCRI has an idea for a project, its not too late; the RFP closes at 5 pm Monday; contact myself or Meredith Ostreicher or Tom Gridley and we can provide you with the forms necessary for submission. 
Cliff Rosen


  1. Looking forward to hearing more about what these projects will look like in the coming weeks. Thanks to the NNE-CTR for being fast, flexible, and open to addressing the needs of the people of Maine during these uncertain times.


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