Food from Maine farmers, support for Maine farms

To our valued CSA community- 

As the concerns around COVID-19 continue, we, the staff of Fresh Start Farms and Cultivating Community, wanted to send out an update on our programming and provide resources for this unprecedented time.

While our office is closed, and our staff is working remotely, we are continuing with CSA registration, and still anticipate delivery starting the first week of July. New American farmers in our program are looking towards this summer with uncertainty, and each CSA share purchased now provides secured income for them this growing season, as well as access to clean, local food for you. To read about our 2020 offerings, visit the CSA page of our website.

We are working closely with site coordinators to develop contingency plans for delivery, given that many offices might still be experiencing limited hours or staffing come this summer. We are also evaluating our food safety protocols at each step of the CSA process, and making changes and increasing our diligence to keep farmers, staff, and consumers safe and healthy.

We understand that this time might be challenging financially, as well. If paying for your CSA right now is difficult, reach out to us and we can work out a timeline that feels comfortable for you and your household.

Please check out our Facebook for updates, as we continue to work with community partners. For now, some great resources on food security have come from our partners at Cumberland County Food Security Council. We are also launching an Emergency Food Fund online campaign- all money raised will pay for local produce that will be donated throughout Southern Maine this summer. If it is within your means to give, it is greatly appreciated, and if you're able to share this within your networks, that's incredibly helpful as well.

Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or ideas. We'd love to hear from you now more than ever.

Anna, the FSF Farmers, and all of Cultivating Community


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