March 20 message from Bill Caron, CEO, MaineHealth

Hello everyone,

As a health care team we all recognize that we are likely in the early stages of a significant pandemic in Maine and across the country. We also know that there are 1.1 million people (including our loved ones and friends) who are relying upon us to care for them whether it is a COVID-19 related illness, another type of illness, or both.
Brave people doing great things: Living Patient-Centered Care
Over the past two weeks we have seen dozens of our care team members step up and do whatever it takes to meet the needs of our patients who must be our top priority. Direct caregivers have accepted reassignments and stepped into different roles to help out where we needed them. Similarly, dozens of our support personnel have generously offered their help and filled in when asked. It is hard for me to overstate how proud I am to lead a care team that lives and breathes our mission and values with such commitment.  
Businesses and other members of our community are also asking how they can help. Today we received a call from a local contractor who is pulling his supply of N95 masks (used in construction) and sending the masks to us for our caregivers. 
We need each and every care team member to help
As the pandemic broadens over the next several weeks, we are going to have to ask hundreds of you to accept an assignment that is different than what you were doing three weeks ago. As importantly, we are going to ask many of you to report to work when you have concerns for the personal safety of yourself and your families. When we ask you to make that personal sacrifice we are doing so because we believe you are part of our team, and that is what our care team does. 
We are all worried right now for our personal safety and the safety of our loved ones. I am worried about each and every one of you.  I am worried about my wife, my children and my grandchildren. I am worried about my 89 year-old mother, my seven siblings and their families. But if we don’t step up, who will?
Please do whatever you can to support our patients and our care team
We care about each and every one of you and we want you to be safe. Your personal sacrifices are now needed more than ever and members of our community recognize and appreciate what you are doing, and what you will do, to care for them. I have never been prouder to be part of this team. Together, we are stronger as one.

Bill Caron, CEO


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