Ideas for quiet hikes and fresh air - add your suggestions!

If State and community mandates allow , getting outside for fresh air and some exercise would be good, obviously with sensible practices.  Check this site for ideas ( These walks and hikes are often quiet, no crowds. Kids should like these especially in springtime with lots of birds coming through and lots of new growth. 

And a favor, we are new to Cumberland County and looking for good hikes. So if you have favorites or great discoveries, let me know. We are from the other County - Aroostook, and need good hikes around here, and hope to use them as long as we are allowed.  

Joe Nadeau 


  1. Bradbury Mountain State Park is a popular one North of Portland.
    I'm from Southern Maine and always enjoy Mt. Agamenticus in York ME.

  2. Our favorite is Jewell Falls. There's a waterfall and woodsy trails -- it's a hidden gem right here in Portland!

  3. The Prouts Neck walk in Scarborough is another really nice one, not too far from MMCRI as well - not quite labeled on this map. Continue down Scarborough beach and the path takes you around the end of the peninsula.

  4. Walked the Rines Forest Trail today on Range Road in Cumberland. Beautiful mix of hardwoods (beech, ash, et al) and big (BIG) pines, several rocky streams and some 'falls'. A bit muddy today (Weds), and will be muddy for a while, so good boots. Lots of shorter and longer trails so many choices for little and young ones. Highly recommended. A new favorite around here.....

  5. It's a pretty short one, but we like Fuller Farm Preserve in Scarborough. Its dog and family friendly!

  6. Closed parks - do a google before you go. At least ten parks have been closed. Too hard to maintain physical distance. Joe

  7. New hike today, new favorite - Knights Pond Preserve off Greely Road in Cumberland. A big pond, with lots of geese, duck, beaver, eagles. 5.8 miles of trails.. And miles of stone walls through the woods, wicked work to move rocks like those. Good trail, easy to follow, nice mix of terrain with some hills.


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