Gratitude - message from Lucy Liaw

I am late in sharing some of the community gratitude that came in for February. Since then, in conversations with colleagues and friends, many others have come up. There is a lot of gratitude for the healthcare workers who are working under strained conditions, all of our public-facing businesses for developing creative ways to serve their communities, kind people who are offering to help and thinking of others, leaders of coordinated efforts, our own health, and many, many more. 

You might be alone right now. You might have felt anxiety or uncertainty in the past days. 
Take a deep breath. 
And another. 
Please think of something that you are grateful for, and share it in the comment box if you would like.

Be well, Lucy


  1. Thanks so much for posting this Lucy. It was well timed for me, and a great reminder. Thinking of you and the rest of the MMCRI community!

  2. Really nice way to distribute great Gratitude board images! And love the blog.

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  4. Six words: Proud of MaineMed today


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