For us as private citizens re: shelter in place, Senator Geoffrey Gratwick MD

This was contributed to us as private citizens to consider, and does not necessarily represent the views of MMCRI.

Geoffrey Gratwick is a Maine State senator from Bangor, and is inviting community members, esp. in the healthcare professions to join him in asking Governor Mills to institute shelter in place. You may contact him by email if you would like to learn more about his efforts ( He is interested if there is more support for his initiative.

He writes:
Good afternoon colleagues – I would like to send the attached letter to Governor Mills by 8:00 tonight (Sunday) and invite you to be a signatory.  Please pass it on to any and all other health care providers and their signatures will be forwarded in batches as they arrive. Please list your degree. The Maine Medical Assn will be passing this on to members; if you belong to another professional organization please have them consider passing it on to their members as well. Governor Mills has indicated that her ‘ear is to the ground’ and I think it important that she hear our voice.
Please call with any questions (947-0637).  Many thanks, Geoff Gratwick, MD

Dear Governor Mills – 
Please issue an emergency order requiring everyone in Maine to“ shelter in place” now. We are in a life-threatening emergency. We the undersigned physicians, nurses, and health care providers are on the front lines. We are greatly concerned that every hour of delay means more overcrowded hospitals and more deaths in the coming weeks.
Everyone must stay at home unless performing an essential service — although now that spring is coming nice walks or runs are permitted at 6-foot distance! However, there should be no public meetings, no nonessential shopping, no social gatherings and no unneeded travel.
Many people in Maine have been asked to continue to report for work. Because our state has not directed nonessential businesses to close, employees risk contracting this deadly virus and bring it home to family, friends and neighbors.  
Now is the time to issue this life-saving order. Now is the time to take thoughtful, well considered and immediate action to save lives.
We greatly appreciate the tireless work you and your staff are doing. We understand that there are many logistics to be addressed. Shelter in place helps, not hinders, other logistical planning. 
Hours mean lives. 
Yours sincerely, 


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