Direct purchase from local fishermen

Hi all, Just found this great idea of our local fisherman selling directly to consumers - will help them stay in business. The Gulf of Maine Research Institute on Commercial Street is a pick up site!  Lucy

Fresh fish off the dock, no supermarket!
Hello neighbors!

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is helping our local fishermen in these difficult times.  They have of course lost enormous orders from restaurants.  At the same time, many of us are hesitant to go to supermarkets, etc. This is a win/win supportive offer. This week they have only monkfish but each week changes. Please go to<> to order.

Here is more information on the mission if you are interested.

Fighting the Effects of Coronavirus – A View from the Wharf
Blog — March 15, 2020
Everyone is feeling the effects of coronavirus. We’re seeing many of our restaurant customers making the crushing decision to temporarily close their doors, while the ones that remain open struggle in the absence of diners. For us, this has had an impact on the demand for our fish, which goes either directly to chefs or to distributors that sell to chefs.

From the wharf, we’ve talked with lobstermen who have already seen falling prices and are considering tying up, rather than harvest and not make enough to cover their costs. Their fear is palpable, as they wonder how long this will last and how they will pay their bills in the absence of income. We know they are not alone. So many people from many industries are losing their crucial paychecks.
For our part, we’re committed to continuing to purchase from our boats, paying fair prices that cover their costs and help keep them afloat. For as long as possible, we will do our part to keep them fishing and support a source of quality, heart-healthy, local protein. Meanwhile, we have reduced our prices to our customers in hopes that it helps them in this tough time.

Finally, as people are choosing to eat at home rather than dine out, we’ve decided to offer opportunities for direct-to-consumer purchases. We will be offering filleted and wholefish at scheduled drop points. Visit our web site for more information and sign up for updates. And, thank you in advance for your support of every person who is surely struggling right now.


  1. An important message. Thanks for posting Lucy.

  2. Please go to to order.

    Fish are sold out this week, but your name (emails address) can be added to their email update list.


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