COVID-19 Study-A-Thon Update

Research Analyst Adam Black just participated in a COVID-19 study-a-thon hosted by OHDSI ("Odyssey").  A few hundred people from all over the world used an online collaboration platform to design and execute multiple research studies to inform the COVID-19 response. This included developing and externally validating three prediction models that could help providers more confidently triage patients presenting with COVID-19 symptoms. 

Adam says:
"It is really incredible what this community is able to accomplish in a few days and I hope that in the coming weeks we will be able to validate the prediction models on our data and share the results so that the data we routinely collect might be used to inform the response to this disease. This is research that can be done very efficiently without any risk to patients and produce high quality results. We were one of only a few medical centers in the US with data on COVID-19 cases in the study-a-thon and are in a good position to make an important contribution to these studies as well as translate the results into clinical practice."

The study-a-thon recap is on youtube here:  (Expand the description below the video to jump to particular topic of interest)

Prediction model internal and external validation results are here:

All of the study results are posted online at an prefixed with COVI19

The updates page is here:


  1. COVID is inspiring more collaboration among scientists

  2. This is very interesting, Adam. Thanks for sharing!!


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