"Books are a uniquely portable magic" - Stephen King

Message from Leisa Collins:
I consider it pretty much heaven to live within a few minutes drive of six independent bookstores selling new books! They each have such wonderfully different personas and different strengths. 

I encourage your support of them all:
  • to keep our local economy alive (there are owners and employees who make their lives from these small businesses from the slimmest of profit margins)
  • to keep this quality-of-life piece available (we treasure it so much in our region), and 
  • to up-level your reading practice during this time of physical (not social!) distancing. 

Each of these bookstores below are accepting phone and/or online orders. How about a purchase from each over the next coming weeks?.. 

Book Review (Falmouth)
Letterpress Books (Portland)
Nonesuch Books (South Portland)
Sherman's Maine Coast Book Shops (Portland, Freeport, Damariscotta, Boothbay Harbor, and Bar Harbor)

Be well everyone, and happy reading,
Leisa Collins


  1. Gotta love independent bookstores. One of my favorites is Elliott Bay Bookstore in Seattle, but that's a trip for another day, another time. Till then this list is greatly appreciated. Amazon is a great place find books and to read reviews and comments. Then purchase locally, just as you suggest Leisa.

    A good recent read is The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton, exceptional insights and great writing. And a good reminder about the human potential, what we are capable of doing. Joe

  2. Thanks Leisa, I was wondering about this- after living in Bar Harbor for a while and then moving to the Portland area, I'm definitely a Sherman's lifer! Looking forward to placing an order with them soon.

  3. Great list Leisa! I will definitely take the time to check these out! I live in Naples, Maine and if anyone lives in that area I recommend visiting a wonderful book shop in Bridgton, Maine called Bridgton Books. They do not have a website but they are active on Facebook (Bridgton Books) or you can give them a call (207-647-2122). You could also just stop in and say hi, with your facemask of course! They are located at 140 Main St, Bridgton, ME 04009. Keep on reading!


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