Proposed NIH reorganization framework - sharing summary and link to full framework
You may know that there is proposed NIH reform that has been introduced. I've included a summary of the framework below. The full framework can be accessed at this link . Stakeholders who wish to submit any feedback on the framework or provide additional thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for reform can do so by emailing by August 16, 2024. Highlights of Cong. McMorris Rogers and Aderholt’s “Reforming the National Institutes of Health: Framework for Discussion” Streamlining currently existing 27 NIH ICs into 15 ICs (while preserving current Fiscal 2024 total funding level for NIH at $48b) NCI into NCI (+$581m over FY24 funding level) NHLBI, NIAMS, NIDDK into National Institute on Body Systems Research (+$73m) NIDCR, NINDS, NEI into National Institute on Neuroscience and Brain Research (+$42m) NIAID into two institute, National Institute on Infectious Diseases and National Institute on Immune System and Arthritis NIGMS, NHGRI, N...