MMCRI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion weekly update
Thanks to Liz Scharnetzki for this contribution! Takeaways from our February 19 th panel, “Helping Clinicians and Researchers Engage Meaningfully with Immigrant Populations in Maine,” with Drs. David Ngala, Dan Jackson Twizelimana, Olish Ndjum Create actionable SMART goals to accompany our mission statement Representation matters! We need representation of our New Mainer community at all levels Our panel shared that New Mainers may feel a lack of belonging or a sense of othering – we can do more as the scientific community to create connections and provide resources and opportunities Move beyond a singular immigration narrative – recognize and integrate New Mainer’s perspective, insights, and contributions Consider cross-cultural variations in health care goals (e.g., prevention versus treatment), especially in the dissemination of health information In conducting community engaged research, take direction and priorities from the community Need...