October 2020 faculty development tip: how to construct good multiple-choice test questions
Here is a teaching tip from the MMC Institute for Teaching Excellence (MITE). To learn more about MITE resources, visit their website. MITE Monthly Tip October 2020 Eric Brown, MD How to construct good multiple-choice test questions: Assessment, or testing, is an important aspect of medical teaching and learning. When done well, testing helps learners meet curricular goals while communicating what the teacher views as important. Multiple choice questions (MCQ) remain a mainstay in testing because they can assess a broad range of knowledge in short period of time, leading to a high degree of testing validity and reliability. When constructed well, MCQs can test higher order learning such as comprehension, application, and analysis. However, as anyone who has ever written a MCQ knows, they can be difficult and time-consuming to construct. Even educators formally trained in the process plan for up to an hour writing each question. For this reason, many poorly written MCQs stil...